LOTRO Midsummer Festival 2024 Guide

LOTRO Midsummer Festival 2023 Event Guide | Great Wedding Event Rewards 2023

Celebrate the Great Wedding of Aragorn and Arwen!

The LOTRO Midsummer Festival celebrates the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen, which took place some time after the overthrow of Sauron. Elessar, now finally King of Gondor and Arnor as Elrond mandated, can finally wed his fair Elven lady. So, throw off the armour and only raise your weapons in salute, for the Midsummer Festival is on!

If you need a guide in German, see Berrie’s Mittsommer im HdROExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

When Is the Midsummer Festival?

The 2024 event runs from 6th June at 10am /servertime to 26th June at 3am/servertime. So the last full day for most of us will be 25th June 2024.

What the Yule?

It’s June and not April so this is no April Fools. Yule Festival is returning at the same time as Midsummer!

You might think that’s crazy but in another game I play they’ve been rerunning old events like crazy recently. So, embrace the crazy!

What’s New This Year?

Check Your Hobbit Presents!

This year, there is a chance to obtain special mounts in your Silver and Gold Hobbit Presents!

Token Limit!

Please be aware that, unlike all other events, the Midsummer Festival has a token limit! You can hold 250 Tokens per Character. So ensure you spend some before you hit it.

There is no shortage of things to do at this LOTRO event, so combine questing with enjoying the rewards, which are really affordable. You can get a lot with 250 Midsummer Tokens tokens!

Tokens are limited to 250 per character

How Do I Get Started?

Thankfully, as with many festivals in the LOTRO Events Schedule, they’ve made it really easy!

  • When you log in you will have an auto-bestowed quest.
  • This contains a map to Minas Tirith (Midsummer)
  • From there you can get the intro quest and begin exploring. The NPC you need is in the next screenshot.

Midsummer Wedding-Planners

Midsummer Wedding-planners are located in Thorin’s Hall, Duillond, Bree-town, and the Party Tree to direct players to Midsummer quests in those areas.

Note: You can Swift-Travel to Minas Tirith (Midsummer) from major stablemasters.

So wherever you are at in Middle-Earth you can get to the special instance of Minas Tirith and start celebrating!

Also: the “Section Menu” buttons take you back up to the table of contents. You’ll want to use this if you’re flicking between different quests.

“Wrapper” Quests

You pick up the Daily and the other wrapper from Faeleth. She is on the main path into Minas Tirith. The wrappers are:

1. In Celebration of Midsummer

The Daily 10 × Festival Quests wrapper. It awards

  • Midsummer Tokens Midsummer Tokens × 5
  • Legendary Item XP Legendary Item XP (if applicable)

2. A Fondness for Festivity

To complete this, finish 3 × Daily Wrappers.

The first (intro) stage awards:

3. The Majesty of Midsummer

And finally, this reward is for completing whichever stage of A Fondness for Festivity you happen to be on.

The (Intro) stage grants:

  • Midsummer Tokens Midsummer Tokens × 5
  • Figments of Splendor Figments of Splendour × 500
  • Scrap of an Essence Reclamation Scroll Scrap of an Essence Reclamation Scroll
  • Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient Universal Optional Crafting Ingredient
  • Legendary Item XP Legendary Item XP

In 2024, this was slightly altered, so that you only need 12 days of dailies (down from 16) to complete all stages of the wrappers.

Sometimes in my guides, I put stuff in because I need it. This is one of those times!

On Foot, or Mount

Minas Tirith is built into a mountain, in concentric circles. If you’re on foot or mounted, you’ll need to keep looking for stairs, ramps, or passageways that go up. This should help find the next circle in. When I first entered the Citadel, I found the first such ramp was behind me.

Which is the Citadel Stable?

You need the High Stables to reach the Citadel by Horse-taxi.

Stable Masters

You can find stable masters to many (though not all) of the circles. They do charge 1 silver, but everyone knows you have to take some coin when visiting a festival yes?

Thanks to Marlene this extra info:

In MT the ramps going down to a lower level are always found near the stable-master on your current level. Ramps going up come out near the stable-master on the upper level and those stable-masters alternate which half of the circle they are on.

…the Sages’ Tier stable-master goes to the ring labeled “Master’s Ring”. There’s no stable-master for the ring labeled “Sages”. All of the other stable-masters go where they say they go.

Midsummer Quest-Givers

All Quests & Quick Daily 10

Here are the quest-givers for the many and varied Midsummer activities in Minas Tirith. For quests elsewhere see my separate guide for Midsummer Quests Outside Minas Tirith and A Long-Awaited Banquet Quests.

Because this list is huge, most people should see this section as tabs, so you can choose to read it – or scroll past it quicker!

Minas Tirith Quest-Givers

  1. Merilien (The Citadel: 22.5N, 55.8W)
  2. Othnoron: (The Citadel: 22.3N, 55.8W)
  3. Florist (The Citadel: 22.1N, 56.0W)
  4. Colladan: (Houses of Lore: 21.7N, 56.3W, Upstairs)
  5. Ulthir: (The Splintered Shield, Soldiers’ Tier: 21.7N, 56.3W, Upstairs)
  6. Borlach of Rimmon: (Soldiers’ Tier: 21.4N, 54.4W)
  7. Ciriel: (Craftsmen’s’ Tier: 21.0N, 55.3W)
  8. Postmaster: (House of the Craft: 21.0N, 55.3W)
  9. Melthend (Marriage-Wright): (House of the Craft: 21.0N, 55.3W)
  10. Lebadar (Gardener): (Soldiers’ Tier: 23.9N, 54.9W)
  11. Ioreth: (Houses of Healing, the Citadel: 21.9N, 55.8W)
  12. Loboríis (Stable-Hand) (City Stables, 22.4N, 53.8W)
  13. Duillam (The Blue Theatre, Players’ Tier, 21.4N, 56.6W)
  14. Worried Woman (Craftsmen’s Tier?)

Other Regions

Thanks to @fruinjuice for this list:

  1. Bree near crafting at west stables
  2. Thorin’s Hall in back of forge area
  3. Duillond Gazebo
  4. Celondim Docks
  5. At the Party Tree north of Hobbiton (2 Quests)
  6. Skori in Thorin’s Hall Inn
  7. Prancing Pony in Bree

If you would like a simple checklist to work through, see MinstrelByNight’s blog.

Quick Daily Rotation

There is so much to do (I’m starting to sound like old Barliman) and enjoy at Midsummer, that my advice is to slow down and do that. If, however, you’re trying to get rewards on multiple characters or getting those Figments of Splendour, then a “quick 10” might be up your street.

So, a huge thanks to @FFlunkies who published a post a few years ago with their quick 10-quest rotation. They were kind enough to donate it to me for this guide. I will simply summarise the post here as I’ve already written the non-banquet quests up.

Follow This Route

@FFlunkies suggest taking this route around. The NPC names are the quest-giver locations, not necessarily where the quest itself takes place.

Caveat: This list of 10 depends on you having completed the Wedding Ceremony “Epic” questline. But if you’re in a token or Figments grind, then you should have done that already. Hopefully.
  1. Aiding the Stable-Hands (Loborís, Workers Tier)
  2. To the Last Drop (Merilien, The Citadel)
  3. What Ales You (Merilien, The Citadel)
  4. Tasty Morsels (Othnoron, The Citadel)
  5. Arranging Arrangements (The Florist, The Citadel)
  6. A Long-Awaited Banquet (Toldir, Banquet Hall)
  7. A Cure for All Ills or Faramir’s Quest in the Banquet Hall
  8. Artistic Direction (Borlach, Soldiers Tier)
  9. Toss a Coin (Ulthir, The Splintered Shield, Soldiers Tier)
    While here, complete objectives for What Ales You and To the Last Drop. Then go to the Mûmak and Keep for What Ales You objectives.
  10. Go to The Craftsman’s Tier
    • See the potter for Artistic Direction
    • Retrace your steps to the stables and go through the open door behind them and down the ramp to the left.
    • At the bottom of the ramp you’ll find Lebadar for Artistic Direction.
    • Head across the area to the worried Woman to complete Unhelpful Hounds
    • Turn in this fast quest and then head back up the ramp to Craftsman’s Circle.
    • Find Ciriel to progress Artistic Direction and Sweet Treats. Complete Sweet Treats.
    • Head West to The Merry Swan. Complete objectives for Arranging Arrangements and What Ales You.
    • Head up the ramp that’s just by Ciriel and you’ll be on the next tier
  11. Go to the Players Tier
    • Find Daghir and the other NPCs needed for Tasty Morsels.
    • Head to the Blue Theatre. Complete Arranging Arrangements here.
    • Take the stables to the Soldiers Tier
  12. The Soldiers Tier
    • Hand in Borlach’s quest, Artistic Direction.
    • Take stables to Sage’s Tier
  13. The Sage’s Tier

Head back to the Citadel to hand in quests, then return to the Worker’s Tier to hand in the wrapper.

Minas Tirith Quests

Unless they have added more quests this year, here are all the LOTRO Midsummer Festival quests available within Minas Tirith.

Tasty Morsels

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens

Othnoron, a Cook, wants you to deliver samples of his “experimental treats”. These are for the tactfully-described “loftier citizens”. Basically he’s using the tried-and-tested free sample to make sales. Well, don’t all vendors at festivals the world over do the same?

These need delivering to NPCs in the Players’ Tier (they are all marked on your map). I suggest you take the Stable-Master from the Citadel (High Stables).

Lightning in a Bottle

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-Giver: Merilien (The Citadel: 22.5N, 55.8W)

When You Can Do Them

The four quests to catch fireflies for the lanterns at Minas Tirith are only available from Gloaming until Dawn. You can see this in your minimap or use Titanbar, one of the LOTRO Plugins I always have active.

You can also only have one firefly quest active at once. See the other tabs for information on catching the colour of firefly you’re looking for!

Play Nicely

  • Fireflies seem to spawn at random intervals (e.g. number of seconds)
  • You may be “competing” with other players for them
  • You have plenty of times to collect the fireflies
  • Don’t chase one another player is heading for.

Tactic: Patience

A tactic/strategy I have seen other players doing is to find a Firefly and stay by that spawn point. If others are around, be patient and wait for it to respawn. This saves chasing after fireflies and potentially annoying another players.

Amethyst Fireflies

Amethyst Fireflies can be found in the Low-Lands of Ered Luin at The Grimwater.

You need to place these in lanterns in the Sixth Circle.

  1. Houses of Healing: (Entrance: 21.9N, 56.1W) – Note: this is the House of Remedies (where you do Honouring Healers) not the High Hall (where you do A Cure for All Ills)
  2. The Alcove: (22.0N, 56.3W) – a little West from the Houses of Healing.

Emerald Fireflies

Emerald Fireflies can be found in the Midgewater Marshes at in Bree-land. The part of the marsh is East of Marshwater Fort.

Where to Find Emerald Fireflies in Midgewater Marsh

Catch 12 × Emerald Fireflies, which appear as quest rings when they (re)spawn.

Ruby Fireflies

This is what the area looks like. I tried to get a screenshot with Ruby Fireflies in it, but as you can see, I wasn’t the only person there on this trip.

Remember: Fireflies only appear from Gloaming until Dawn.

Sapphire Fireflies

Sapphire Fireflies can be found South-West of Duillond in Ered Luin.

Sapphire Fireflies Location Map - Ered Luin

Placing the Lanterns

These need to go to the Court of Voronwëaut; in the Fourth Circle, the Players’ Tier. There are two locations you need to place Sapphire Firefly Lanterns. Both of them are near the Players’ Circle Stable-Master.

As you can see, one is near Pelnen, an NPC you talk to as part of Tasty Morsels.

  • Midsummer Tokens Midsummer Token × 1
  • Wedding Centrepiece Kit Wedding Centrepiece Kit × 1 (For A Wedding Favor Jeweller crafting quest in Without a Hitch)

Something Floral

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-Giver: Merilien (The Citadel: 22.5N, 55.8W)

Merilien wants to liven up the Houses of Lore with flower arrangements. Apparently the “room with dead things” really needs it!

These need placing in the Fifth Tier, which is the Sage’s Tier. The Coordinates of the entrance are (21.7N, 56.3W). Take the stable-master to the Sage’s Tier then ride around the semi-circle, heading South.

Place 6 Floral Arrangements in the obviously-marked locations inside.

4 Locations are Downstairs in this room:
2 Locations are Upstairs in this room:

Love is in the Air

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-Giver: Colladan (Houses of Lore: 21.7N, 56.3W)

A poor poet called Colladan is trying to woo the lady he loves by putting a poem together. Taking other poems as inspiration (plagiarism), he sat down to write (well, collate), only to doze off. Now a window has been opened and his precious sheets are floating around the Houses of Lore! Your mission, should you choose to accept it (naturally), is to catch these for him.

Catching Wayward Verses

The mechanic is the same as Lost Invitations in the LOTRO Anniversary Event. And other players will also be trying to catch them!

Toss a Coin

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Location: The Splintered Shield, Soldiers’ Tier (21.7N, 56.3W)

A very, very drunk flower merchant is faring worse than usual. Apart from having to check you’re not actually his wife, his main problem is a stonking headache. Hardly a surprise. He decides the source of it are badly-playing minstrels. Instead of leaving the inn for peace and quiet, he gives you some coins to toss at the instrumentalists to make them go away.

A bit harsh.

Toss a Coin to Noisy Minstrels × 6

You can find various minstrels both upstairs and down in The Splintered Shield. The most obscure one appears to be in the sleeping quarters up the wooden steps. I’ve included that screenshot here. Simply right-click on them to hurl the insult and offend a musician.

Artistic Direction

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-Giver: Borlach of Rimmon (Soldiers’ Tier 21.4N, 54.4W)

The artist Borlach, who would rather you got lost than him, has run out of painting materials. So, in true quest-giver style, sends of you, his errand-servant, to go find them. They are marked on your map, but what use a guide, without guidance?


Charcoal can be obtained from Ciriel (21.0N, 55.3W)


The otherwise-nameless Potter is at (23.3N, 54.9W).


The gardener Lebadar is just inside the Soldiers’ Tier, at the bottom of the ramp from the Craftsmen’s Tier. He is at (23.9N, 54.9W).

Sweet Treats

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Ciriel (Craftsmen’s Tier: 21.0N, 55.3W).

Honouring Healers

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Postmaster (House of the Craft, Craftsmen’s Tier: 23.2N, 55.0W)

The Postmaster has a lovely errand for you, sending thank you notes to those that work in the Houses of Healing.

Where are the Houses of Healing?

They are in the Citadel just down the ramp by the High Stables. The entrance to the House of Remedies can be found at (21.9N, 56.1W). Note: this is different to the High House for A Cure for All Ills.

Where Are the Healers?

They are all over the House of Remedies, often walking around, but not always. So just check all parts of the building. I will try to make a map at a later point. But this place is stunning. See the NPC-chasing as an opportunity to #StopAndStare and enjoy the artwork of LOTRO designers and developers.

Growing Pains

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Lebadar, Soldiers’ Tier (23.9N, 54.9W)

A gardener who is concerned about the many, many gardens in Minas Tirith is one who is overworked. So, quite simply, he needs help with watering some plants and pulling up weeds.

Statue of Steward Egalmoth

The “third circle” is the Craftsmen’s Tier but in the very North-West.

  • Pull up 5 × Pesky Weeds
  • Water 4 × Unwatered Plants

A Cure for All Ills

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Ioreth: The High Hall, Houses of Healing (21.9N, 55.8W)

Ioreth is most put out by festival-goers forgetting that the Houses of Healing are supposed to be for rest. She enlists your aid in cleaning up mess made by “that rabble”, as she calls them!

  • Dispose of Half-emptied bottles in the High Hall × 10
  • Remove 6 × Noisy Revellers. Basically, you’re a bouncer.

Noisy Revellers

These are not open-tapped, so other players may be kicking these out at the same time as you. You’ll need to eject more noisy revellers once they make themselves loudly obvious. AKA, when they respawn.

There’s only one noisy-reveller per group, at least in most cases. I think one group near the entrance had two from “that rabble”.

Half-Emptied Bottles

These come in various names and are found on the floor. You may find this easier with floaty names on.

  • Beren’s Blood
  • Falas Draught
  • Posset
  • Pinnath Plum Wine
  • Naruvor
  • Galadnen

Always take time to #StopAndStare. This is inside the High House!

Aiding the Stable-Hands

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Loborís, City Stables: (21.9N, 55.8W)

Unsurprisingly, the main way wedding celebration guests have arrived is by horse. This leads to very dedicated, but overworked stable-hands. Want to be a stable-hand for a shift? Don’t worry, no mucking-out needed! Just grooming and giving of apple treats.

Feed Apples to Well-Behaved Horses
Groom Disheveled Horses

Arranging Arrangements

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Florist, The Citadel (21.1N, 56.0W)

Oh boy, the florist needs you to place 5 × Floral Arrangments “around the city”. You’d think these fine business-folk would learn they need to employ temporary staff during busy times of the year, right?

Rant over, here are the three Event Locations:

Event Locations Map

The Merry Swan

Craftsmen’s Tier: (21.0N, 56.6W)
2 × Floral Arrangements

The Blue Theatre

Players’ Tier: (21.4N, 56.6W)
3 × Floral Arrangement

The Hall of Air (Outdoors)

Sages’ Tier: (23.1N, 56.3W)
2 × Floral Arrangements

Floral Crowns

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Florist, The Citadel (21.1N, 56.0W)

The florist’s “easily distracted” daughter has been sent to gather flowers to make into Floral Crowns (get your own Crown of Summer Flowers during Midsummer!). She’s likely somewhere around the First Circle. Thank the Valar for Festival Stable-Masters!

Something Misplaced, Something Blue

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Duillam, The Blue Theatre, Players’ Tier (21.5N, 56.6W)

Duillam, who appears to despise the band name of a group he acknowledges as “fine enough musicians”, has lost the performers. Being dutiful, he has been waiting for a random visitor to Minas Tirith to go find them for him.

Cloudyheads Move

I have provided a map showing places I found members of the Cloudyheads. However, Musicians may/do appear in more than one location and can move. That’s why I’ve put more than six dots on the map. e.g. Here’s Gord Dunley’s two spawn points:

Cloudyheads Locations Map

It is highly likely that I do not have all spawn points recorded!

To The Last Drop

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Merilien, The Citadel (22.5N, 55.8W)

What Ales You

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Merilien, The Citadel (22.5N, 55.8W)

Not all the best drinks are fine wines – some are ale too! Merilien wants you to fetch 4 × Barrels of Ale from the best taverns in Minas Tirith.

* Click/Tap images here to load the large one.

Wedding Supplies

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Merilien, The Citadel (22.5N, 55.8W)

Merilien is in the business of making weddings the best possible memories. To that end, she has a special shipment of fine goods. The person who should have ensured safe delivery has gone AWOL. So who gets to go and fetch them? Muggins, of course. All Wedding Supplies are on the Craftsmen’s Tier.

Note: these are not open-tapped so you may need to wait for respawn.

Near Ciriel

Craftsmen’s Tier (21.1N, 55.4W)
1 × Wedding Supplies

Head behind Ciriel and turn right.

Raised Table/Eating Area

Craftsmen’s Tier (20.9N, 56.0W)
1 × Wedding Supplies

As you head to the marked circle on your map, heading West, you can find this table area on your left.

Without a Hitch Quests

Quest-giver: Melthend (Marriage-Wright), House of Craft (23.3N, 54.9W)

These quests are crafting related. You will need:

  • Relevant crafting profession started. Only Apprentice Level is needed, so these are good for new players and characters.
  • Crafting Recipes: These can be acquired from Melthend for one Midsummer Token each.
  • Relevant Crafting Kits: Completing a Lightning in a Bottle quest also grants one of these for free.

Crafting Kits can be obtained from Quests Outside Minas Tirith.

As with all crafting materials, these appear in your bags. Once you have 3 Kits, head to the relevant crafting facility to make it. 1 Kit Makes 1 Item.


  • If you craft these with a “crit” then you will make 3 items from 1 Kit. If you have Universal Optional Crafting Ingredients, then this may be a good use of one.
  • The recipes and kits are not bound, so your other characters can craft the items for you.
  • You can craft all four items on two characters if you have Armourer and Tinker crafting professions.

Unhelpful Hounds

Midsummer Tokens 3 × Midsummer Tokens
Quest-giver: Worried Woman, Soldiers’ Tier (24.1N, 55.1W)

Why, oh why this woman was not wearing her engagement ring, the Valar only know. But one of the Unhelpful Hounds has stolen it (yes, again). She is too scared of dogs to try and retrieve it.

There are a number of Unhelpful Hounds running around near her. You have to chase/intercept them and find the one that has the ring. All the hounds you need to chase have quest rings, but only one has the “one” ring she cares about

A Long-Awaited Banquet

A Celebration Without End
Once you have attended the wedding you can access Merethrond to complete quests for the surviving members of the original Fellowship of the Ring. Find out more by clicking/tapping below to go to my guide!
A Long-Awaited Banquet Quests

Festival Title Deeds

Midsummer Fireworks Deeds

There are four further deeds you can complete during the festival. These do not grant titles, but they do give you four permanent “social” actions. They are the same idea as the “Consume Consumables” deeds found elsewhere in LOTRO events.

All of these require you to use 25 Fireworks, which is a total cost of Midsummer Tokens 50 Tokens.

LOTRO Midsummer Festival Rewards

As there are no shortage of quests during the LOTRO Midsummer Festival, there is no lack of rewards either! Enjoy!

Outfit Cosmetics

Below are the most recent Midsummer cosmetics I have on my guide.

Circlet of Hanging BloomsLOTRO Circlet of Hanging Blooms | Midsummer 2024 head cosmetic

Read More →

Ceremonial Staff of the Eternal SunCeremonial Staff of the Eternal Sun | Midsummer Festival 2024 Cosmetic Weapon.

Read More →

All cosmetics cost Midsummer Tokens 10 × Midsummer Tokens.

Older Cosmetics

To see previous years’ cosmetics, or to see them organised by gear slot, please take a look at my:

Midsummer Cosmetics Library


There is no new Midsummer-themed Mount in 2024. That said, VIPs should ensure they pick up their Gold Hobbit presents, as there is a chance for a new Elven Leaf War-Steed Cosmetics set.

There are 6 Mounts available in total during Midsummer. Five are for Midsummer Tokens tokens, and the other is for completing the questline.

Last Year’s Mount

The most recent mount is:

Story Mount

Complete the event’s [Epic], to receive:

Older Mounts

For all the mounts, including ones not listed here, see my Midsummer Mounts List.

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2024 Cosmetic Pets

All older cosmetic pets cost Midsummer Tokens 20 Midsummer Tokens.

Other Fireflies

Firefly pets also come in three other colours! I have linked to them from the Summer Concert Firefly page.

To browse all pets from this festival see the Midsummer tab of Pets from Festivals and Events!

Musical Instruments

There is a huge raft of musical instruments to be had. So many you could build a raft of them. I’ll get shots ASAP for you, but there are instruments that all start with Summer Celebration and all cost Midsummer Tokens 10 Tokens. This list is in the order of the vendor.

  • Lute
  • Horn
  • Clarinet
  • Flute
  • Harp
  • Drum
  • Theorbo
  • Bagpipe
  • Cowbell
  • Pibgorn
  • Mountain Harp
  • Fiddle
  • Bassoon

Musical Instrument Screenshots

Thanks to Arron, Elvish Black, @Valkryique and others for sending me instrument screenshots! I massively appreciate it.


Emotes will set you back Midsummer Tokens 30 Midsummer Tokens, but there are only two standard “emotes”. One is a firework – see below!

LOTRO Coin Toss Emote - Midsummer Festival
Play this video
LOTRO Coin Toss Emote - Midsummer Festival
LOTRO Wine Tasting Emote - Midsummer Festival
Play this video
LOTRO Wine Tasting Emote - Midsummer Festival


It’s a celebration after all, so why not set off some fireworks when night falls on Minas Tirith? Most of these are consumables, but one is not.

Permanent Skill

Golden Wedding Fireworks (Perma Skill)

Normally, you have to gain this kind of ability by using consumables. The Golden Wedding Fireworks are one of those – see below for a video. Since last year, however, you can acquire the permanent skill directly.

This costs Midsummer Tokens × 30 – using 25 consumables costs Midsummer Tokens × 50. So if you want the Golden Wedding Ring emote, then get the permanent skill instead. You’ll save 20 tokens that way!

This is an actual skill – an emote – as opposed to a reusable item like the Eagle Firework from the Anniversary Event.

Scroll to fireworks videos to see what this firework looks like.

Fireworks (Consumables) Videos

Elanor Fireworks
Play this video
Elanor Fireworks
Golden Wedding Fireworks (Rings)
Play this video
Golden Wedding Fireworks (Rings)
Green And White Niphredil Fireworks
Play this video
Green And White Niphredil Fireworks

Wedding Ring Fireworks (Silver)
Play this video
Wedding Ring Fireworks (Silver)
White Niphredil Fireworks
Play this video
White Niphredil Fireworks

Get the Permanent Skill

Each firework costs Midsummer Tokens 2 Tokens each. As you need to launch each one 25 times, you’ll need to use a total of 50 x Midsummer Tokens Tokens to unlock the permanent skill.

See Fireworks Deeds for more information.

Housing Decorations

I don’t provide details about housing decorations. That’s because I want you to go and visit Déco du Milieu’s fab collection instead!

Per DdM’s site, Hobbit Gift decoration gifts at Midsummer are no longer available via this method.

Here are some other LOTRO Midsummer Festival links from the community!

TL;DR Celebrating the LOTRO Midsummer Festival 2024 – Go and Enjoy It

There is so much for you to get into and enjoy in the 2024 LOTRO Midsummer Festival! Tons of repeatable quest, crafting-for-tokens, the “Epic” book leading to the wedding ceremony and events happening across Middle-Earth. Take your time to enjoy the artwork, sculptures, quest text etc as well as your quest objectives. Rewards here are extensive too, with a raft of cosmetics, six horse mounts, pets and more. So dive in, celebrate, enjoy – and take in the Great Wedding event with the rest of the LOTRO community!
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About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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