So, dear Dragoon, you’ve finally made it to the FFXIV Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5. Congratulations! We’re finally on the home run to clearing a whole job’s worth, but if you were hoping for Dragon-slaying, I’m afraid you’ll mostly be disappointed. But, if you’re close to on-level, there are plenty of challenges for you as you go into enemy strongholds. So sharpen that Lance and let’s crack on.
When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 5?
- You have cleared Lancer Log Rank 4, and
- You are at least Level 40 as a Lancer.
Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5 Targets
Reward: 40,000 Lancer 41
Reward: 17,000
Baritine Croc
Number Required: 4 If you thought you were done gazing into the big ugly mouths of
Feral Crocs, a big ugly surprise awaits you! The
Baritine Croc is a heavier-looking variety, with greenish fur. To find them, head West towards Snowcloak. Make sure to look up while you do!
Note: Only Lancers get
Baritine Crocs at Rank 5.
Coerthas Central Highlands: Whitebrim
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead (or Ishgard depending on when you're clearing this)
Number Required: 5 Man, I love a play on words. The
Dragonfly is definitely more dragon than fly, but FFXIV have given it similar style wings to the ones we know in our world. You'll find Dragonflies North of Whitebrim Front heading towards the Stone Vigil dungeon.
Involved in FATEs
Coerthas Central Highlands: Whitebrim
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
X:9.5, Y:14.0More Info
Lancer 42
Reward: 17,500
Dead Man's Moan
Number Required: 5 The animated skeletons of drowned seamen. Nothing freaky about that, right? And by "drowned", I mean literally, rather than just consumed by a love for Leviathan. At least as a Dragoon, your spear is significantly longer than their daggers. All the better to dismantle them, yes?
Dead Man's Moan Location
On the Isles of Umbra, head towards the beach, or just into the water at the Ship Graveyard. But you only need do this if the FATE mentioned below is not on.
Involved in FATE
Western La Noscea: Isle of Umbra
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
Lancer 43
Reward: 18,000
3rd Cohort Signifer
Number Required: 2 As with all of the Garlean Empire's Signifers, the
3rd Cohort Signifer is a Thaumaturge. While your previous encounters with the Empire in the East Shroud were closer to Little Solace, these ones are far in the East.Assuming no-one arrived just before you, you can find three in the area around
X32.5, Y:20.5. Respawn timers appear to have improved since my last visit - or I am more patient! So, if you can't see any, just hang around a bit and they'll be redeployed ready to be re-defeated!
Involved in MSQ
If you are on your first class'
Hunting Log,
3rd Cohort Signifers are encountered during the MSQ Quest
Sylphish Concerns.
East Shroud: Larkscall
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Number Required: 2 These monstrocities are probably my worst kind of landscape mob. It's so bad that I still hate The Aurum Vale even now. Get out of the way of their bad breath AoEs, else you get multiple debuffs.I'm not sure setting the Choco to heals stops them dying from it, so do try to turn the Morbol away from your companion, whether you're a tank or not. FYI, you'll have to put the Choco on DPS to be able to turn the toothy grossness away from your feathered friend.
Morbol Location
The Morbols are found in Larkscall in the East Shroud. For any other reason, keep away from here. The challenge is not aggroing multiple Morbols...ew.
East Shroud: LarkscallNearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut Coordinates
X:23.4, Y:20.9More Info
Lancer 44
Reward: 18,500
Wild Hog
Number Required: 5 Because there are obviously so many tame boars around the Shroud, you have to find a
Wild Hog. Well, a few of them! The ones you're after are significantly larger than
Wild Hoglet →">Wild Hoglets and - thankfully - separate to them.These ones are found in Urth's Gift, which you can reach easily from Quarrymill - and there are
many in this area. Admittedly, there are many other enemies too, so if you're vaguely on-level, be warned!
South Shroud: Urth's Gift
Nearest Aetheryte
South Shroud: Quarrymill
X:29.5, Y:24.5More Info
Wild Hog
Lancer 45
Reward: 19,000
Daring Harrier
Number Required: 4 0
I cannot for the life of me remember if there's some sort of story behind the Harriers in this part of Mor Dhona. But there are a few varieties depending on their class. The
Daring Harrier is a
Gladiator fighter.Lancers require 4, and I'm sure I could only see 3. So you'll have to wait for one to respawn. It's not often the number required exceeds those available, so this one's odd.
Mor Dhona: Fogfens (Rathefrost)
Nearest Aetheryte
Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll
Lake Cobra
Number Required: 5 Does this serpent have two heads into one head? Or just more than two eyes? Either way, the
Lake Cobras stand
really least if you're a short person like most of my characters.
Lake Cobra Location
Head out the eastern exit of Revenant's Toll, then head to the southern coastline. The
Lake Cobras are in ones or twos on the edge as you head towards the dungeon
The Keeper of the Lake.
The first one I spotted was around
X:32.0, Y:14.0, then just continue East along the edge of the map.
The Prodigal Son
Mor Dhona: Northern Silvertear
Nearest Aetheryte
Mor Dhona: Revenant's Toll
X:32.0, Y:14.0More Info
Lake Cobra
Lancer 46
Reward: 19,500
Snow Wolf
Number Required: 5 This is no Pup, but a full-on Snow Wolf. Yes, they're only slightly larger, but who are we to judge when the wolves stop calling their offspring "pups"?
Snow Wolves can be found due West of the Observatorium, pretty close to the entry to Coerthas from the North Shroud. So, take your pick of Aethryte. They're hanging around in the area near the Aurum Vale, just in case that place wasn't welcoming enough...
Coerthas Central Highland: The Boulder Downs
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highland: Camp Dragonhead (Or North Shroud: Fallgourd Float)
X:16.4, Y:31.8More Info
Snow Wolf
Lancer 47
Reward: 20,000
5th Cohort Vanguard
Number Required: 4 If you derive joy from sticking that lance of yours through someone else's machinery and breaking it, then rejoice! The
5th Cohort Vanguard on your Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5 is a mass of metal waiting to be dismantled. Not all of a Dragoon's targets need be Dravanian, regardless of what Ishgardians say. The only note as well as the map I would make is that they tend to patrol. So, while I have put dots on the map, you'll likely see them near that place, rather than at it specifically. But they're huge so you can't/shouldn't miss them!For other 5th Cohort enemies, see
Other Nearby Targets.
Mor Dhona: Fogfens/Castrum Centri
Nearest Aetheryte
Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll
Sea Wasp
Number Required: 4 Remember the
Bloodshore Bell? Well, the
Sea Wasp is just another weird variety of these...things. And the only thing similar between it and an
actual wasp is that it stings.
Sea Wasps can be found at The Serpent's Tongue
just before a bunch of pirates. Okay, a lot of pirates.
Western La Noscea: The Serpent's Tongue
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
X:14, Y:17More Info
Sea Wasp
Lancer 48
Reward: 20,500
Natalan Watchwolf
Number Required: 5 Most of the wolves of Coerthas, like the
Snow Wolf, camouflage themselves in the snow. The dark
Natalan Watchwolf doesn't much care about that - it wants you to
know it's there!I'm sure you'll be
shocked to learn that they're found at
Natalan, the Ixal stronghold of Coerthas. Most are inside, though the occasional one prowls just outside the gate.
A Natalan Watchwolf Pen
What you may
not be aware of is a fenced-off area containing a few Watchwolves around
X:33.1, Y:20.7. If this isn't your first job/class and you have unlocked flight in Eorzea, then this is probably your quickest way to clear the Hunting Log entry.
Coerthas Central Highlands: Natalan
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
Lancer 49
Reward: 21,000
Number Required: 4 Basilisks are serpent-like lizards with extra spikes on their backs and can walk. They're actually rather lovely to look at. But you can obtain their eggs by mining nearby (or by "the other way"), so don't expect them not to be territorial.
Where Are They?
If you see the map, they can be found over quite a large area in Bluefog. Just stay South of the Cereuleum Processing Plant and you'll be fine.
Involved in FATE
Under the Nails
Northern Thanalan: Blue Fog
Nearest Aetheryte
Northern Thanalan: Ceruleum Processing Plant
X:21.2, Y:25.0More Info
Sylphlands Sentinel
Number Required: 5 The Sylphlands Sentinel is the penultimate entry on the Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5. Although that is assuming you do them in order! The Sentinels, a type of
Treant, used to be the Guardians of the Woods, according to the Sylph tribal quests. But they're mostly out of control now.Blame the Calamity. Everybody does it.
East Shroud: The Sylphlands
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Lancer 50
Reward: 21,500
2nd Cohort Eques
Number Required: 5 Don't let the icon in your hunting log fool you, the
2nd Cohort Eques is a Lancer. As all the Equites are! It's odd how FF14's Garlean Empire enemy icons are often (but not always) wrong.You'll have no difficulty in finding more than the required number of mobs either.
Castrum Occidens in Eastern La Noscea has at least nine. So, even if another player is questing here, or clearing their
hunting log, you should be able to progress yours.
Eastern La Noscea: Agelyss Wise
Nearest Aetheryte
Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
Total EXP Available
- Total EXP for All Levels: 192,500
- EXP Clearing Rank 3: 40,000
- TOTAL: 232,500
Note, this excludes any EXP gained for defeating the individual enemies.
TL;DR Well Done on Clearing the FFXIV Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5
You’ve made it through the whole of the Lancer Hunting Log, hurrah! If this is your first or main class, then you may be heading towards Heavensward and the Dragonsong Wars. If that’s the case then your job quests will have introduced you to a particularly-important character in FFXIV that plays a part in the MSQ from Heavensward onwards.
There are no more class-specific targets after the Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5. However, I will soon be covering the Grand Company logs – and remember there is always the Hunt, too. Have fun in FFXIV folks, and I’ll see you for a new Hunting Log pretty soon!
About the Author
Fibro Jedi
I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.
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