Snow Wolf Location in FFXIV
Hunting Rank 5 Target

FFXIV Snow Wolf - Hunting Log Rank 5 Target

This is no Pup, but a full-on Snow Wolf. Yes, they're only slightly larger, but who are we to judge when the wolves stop calling their offspring "pups"?

Snow Wolves can be found due West of the Observatorium, pretty close to the entry to Coerthas from the North Shroud. So, take your pick of Aethryte, really. They're hanging around in the area near the Aurum ValeExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), just in case that place wasn't welcoming enough...

Snow Wolf Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:16.4, Y:31.8
  • Region/Area:
    Coerthas Central Highland: The Boulder Downs
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Coerthas Central Highland: Camp Dragonhead (Or North Shroud: Fallgourd Float)

Relevant Hunting Logs

Here are the numbers required for different classes/jobs (All Rank 5):

  1. Arcanist: 4
  2. Conjurer: 4
  3. Lancer: 5
  4. Pugilist: 6

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