3rd Cohort Signifer Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 5

FFXIV 3rd Cohort Signifer - Hunting Log Rank 5 Target

As with all of the Garlean Empire's Signifers, the 3rd Cohort Signifer is a Thaumaturge. While your previous encounters with the Empire in the East Shroud were closer to Little Solace, these ones are far in the East.

Assuming no-one arrived just before you, you can find three in the area around X32.5, Y:20.5. Respawn timers appear to have improved since my last visit - or I am more patient! So, if you can't see any, just hang around a bit and they'll be redeployed ready to be re-defeated!

Involved in MSQ

If you are on your first class' Hunting Log, 3rd Cohort Signifers are encountered during the MSQ Quest Main Scenario Quest Sylphish ConcernsExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

3rd Cohort Signifer Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X32.5, Y:20.5
  • Region/Area:
    East Shroud: Larkscall
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut

How Many 3rd Cohort Signifers Are Needed?

For both Lancer and Pugilist, only two are required. This is good, as there is a maximum of three in the area anyhow!

Alternative Location

According to ConsoleGamesWikiExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), there are others in South Shroud but their coords are nearly the same as those for the East Shroud. So I'll try to check this myself.

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