FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 1

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FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 1 (Difficulty 1) - All Entries

Welcome to my first “real” FFXIV post! Here, I’m going to cover how to clear the Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 1. My aim is not to give you all possible locations for these creatures, but more how to clear them quickly. So I have either given one specific location or a rough area you can find them in.

If you’ve just started playing the FFXIV Gladiator, then the Hunting Log is one of the best sources of leveling XP. Some of these may also be quest target “items”, or appear in FATES as well as the landscape. Either way, Difficulty 1 is a nice easy introduction to clearing the Log. Let’s get to it!

How the Hunting Log Works

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log - Page 1
As this is just the Difficulty Rank 1 part, I just thought I’d cover the basics in case there are FFXIV beginners (aka “Sprouts”) landing here.

See the Hunting Log as your personal “Hit List” or “Wanted Targets” in FFXIV. The difficulty of the enemies listed increases as you scroll down the page, but are worth more EXP when you clear them. You’ll also note there are ten “stages”, but in some cases, there are more than one creatures (and later, non-creatures) under each level. You do not have to clear them in the order they are listed!

Unlocking Difficulty Ranks

Up to Level 50, you have 5 difficulty ranks to clear. While the Log itself says “difficulty 1”, once you unlock another you’re told a new “difficulty rank” is available. You will unlock, say, Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2, once you:

  • Have cleared all of Difficulty 1 and
  • Have reached the equivalent actual level for your class for the top of your current rank (e.g. Level 10-11)

Hunting Log EXP

Just a quick note that, each “stage” gives you bonus EXP when you clear it. This is on top of whatever EXP you receive for defeating the target, chain bonuses and others.

Once you clear an entire rank, you’ll receive even more bonus EXP.

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 1 Targets

Gladiator 01
EXP 75

Gladiator 02
EXP 180

Gladiator 03
EXP 360

Gladiator 04
EXP 410

Gladiator 05
EXP 530

Gladiator 06
EXP 980

Gladiator 07
EXP 1,100

Gladiator 08
EXP 1,300

Gladiator 09
EXP 1,600

Gladiator 10
EXP 1,700

TL;DR Kickstart Your Gladiator Hunting Log with Rank 1

So much XP (if you’re doing this at the level of the mobs) is up for grabs here. Most, if not all, of Rank 1 targets are easily available during, or on the way to quests. So there’s no reason not to clear your Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 1 as you quest through Thanalan. I hope you found this FFXIV post useful, it’s been too long since I wrote my FFXIV Free Trial Review (that likely needs updating too!).

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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