5th Cohort Vanguard Location in FFXIV
Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5

FFXIV 5th Cohort Vanguard - Hunting Log Rank 5 Target

If you derive joy from sticking that lance of yours through someone else's machinery and breaking it, then rejoice! The 5th Cohort Vanguard on your Lancer Hunting Log Rank 5 is a mass of metal waiting to be dismantled. Not all of a Dragoon's targets need be Dravanian, regardless of what Ishgardians say.

The only note as well as the map I would make is that they tend to patrol. So, while I have put dots on the map, you'll likely see them near that place, rather than at it specifically. But they're huge so you can't/shouldn't miss them!

For other 5th Cohort enemies, see Other Nearby Targets.

5th Cohort Vanguard Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:10, Y:13
  • Region/Area:
    Mor Dhona: Fogfens/Castrum Centri
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Mor Dhona: Revenants Toll

Other Nearby Targets

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