Tunic and Leggings of the Perfect Curl
Spring Festival 2024 Cosmetic

My initial reaction to the Tunic and Leggings of the Perfect Curl was "now that is pretty!" - and I stand by that now on the second and third look.

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Perfect Curl Tunic Overview

You'll forgive me for not re-using the long names the tunics have! Anyway, I think this item has possibly three different types of fabric then the metal adornments after that. There's a sort-of suede/leather combo going on for the shoulders and waist areas. Then the almost chocolatey-looking portion of the legs seems a smoother kind of material.

The dyable green material appears to have a softer texture. As I see this as being the "under layer" before the leather reinforcement, whatever makes it more comfortable is always a winner.

Apart from the strap fastenings, the obvious other element is the shiny metal buckles and buttons. While they are shiny, I don't think it's overdone at all.

Even the big two-curl emblem on the stomach seems protective and practical.

Example Dye

From the Back

The Tunic and Leggings of the Perfect Curl is accompanied by boots, shoulder-guards, and a helmet. But it does not have a cloak. It does not need one, either, in my tiny little opinion.

The patterns from the front are mostly repeated on the back. And with that artwork facing you, the player, for most of your gaming time, who needs a cloak?

My Overall Verdict

All-in-all, I think the Tunic and Leggings of the Perfect Curl can be used in both a battle and a casual outfit. And this cosmetic gets a big thumbs-up from me. A virtual one, because I'm not putting thumbs-up emojis into my writing!

Tunic and Leggings of the Perfect Curl Information

  • Festival/Event: Spring Festival
  • Price: 15 × Spring Leaves Spring Leaves
  • Set Name: Perfect Curl
  • Gear Slot: Upper Body
  • Category: Tunic
  • Dyable: Yes

Other Races And Body Shapes

Please take the colour of the tunic as a guide. I tried to adjust them to be consistent, but I could not do it perfectly. Always preview an item before you purchase it.No refunds or returns accepted!

Items in this Set

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