Shoulder-guards of the Perfect Curl
Spring Festival 2024 Cosmetic

The obvious symmetry of the Shoulder-guards of the Perfect Curl makes me inordinately glad! As does their simplicity.


There's nothing particularly unique about the outer shape of them, but there's no need for that with this set. Though they are a bit shield-shaped. The Tunic and Leggings are fancy enough.

The shoulder-guards simply utilise all the set's main colours of a meadow-like green, browns and gold. Featuring the curls, naturally.

They are practical and functional, yet they add character too.

Front View

I decided to show these with a contrasting top. They naturally go with the Tunic of the Perfect Curl. But if you're deciding whether to use them on a different outfit, then seeing them on a different outfit helps, yes?

Appearance Differences per Race

Sometimes, if not often, the shoulder cosmetics look different for different races. I've shown some below, but I've struggled to get the light consistent enough to keep the green the same shade. I'll update this once I have!

Different Races: Front View

I've decided to show these from two angles. How shoulder-guards or pauldrons "wrap" over your character's shoulders can change the overall look of your outfit. So hopefully this can help you.

See: Side View ↓

Shoulder-guards of the Perfect Curl Information

  • Festival/Event: Spring Festival
  • Price: 15 × Spring Leaves Spring Leaves
  • Set Name: Perfect Curl
  • Gear Slot: Shoulders
  • Category: Shoulder Pads
  • Dyable: Yes

Different Races: Side View

There aren't too many variations when viewed from the side.

Items in this Set

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