LOTRO Anniversary Mounts List

LOTRO Anniversary Mounts List - all the Steeds Available during the LOTRO Anniversary Event

Welcome to my dedicated Anniversary Mounts section of my overall LOTRO Events Mounts project.

And what a bizarre array we have here! From fireworks-carrying horses, to big black goats to pretending your horse or pony is a dragon. If there’s one thing to be said about this group of festival mounts is they’re not “samey”! Enjoy!

Token Types

Although cosmetics may be acquired for Steel Tokens Steel Tokens, there are no mounts that can be bartered for in this way.

You can only acquire Anniversary Event steeds with Anniversary Tokens or Mithril Coin.

Here are the steeds currently available for Anniversary Tokens Anniversary Tokens. In theory, mounts here will no longer move to the Mithril tab, so will grow with each LOTRO birthday!

If I’ve finally got my code right, the most recent mounts will appear first.

Mounts Found: 6

Steed of the Green Dragon Inn 40×Anniversary Tokens

LOTRO Steed of the Green Dragon Inn | Anniversary 2024 Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
Released in 2024, the Steed of the Green Dragon Inn celebrates the latest LOTRO Anniversary, Hobbit-style.

Mount Details Here →

Fireworks-laden Goat 40×Anniversary Tokens

LOTRO Fireworks-laden Goat Mount - LOTRO Anniversary 2023
Anniversary Event
→ Goat
The Fireworks-laden Goat is the 2023 Anniversary Mount. t is a cream and white goat with a long beard and carries pouches of fireworks for you. →

Mount Details Here →

Steed of Crystal Resolve 40×Anniversary Tokens

LOTRO Steed of Crystal Resolve - 15th Anniversary Event Reward
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
The Steed of Crystal Resolve is the LOTRO 15th Anniversary Mount and is a gloriously armoured steed for style and war! →

Mount Details Here →

Steed of Remembrance 40×Anniversary Tokens

LOTRO Steed of Remembrance | Anniversary Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
A dark brown horse with royal blue metal plating and chain mail caparison, the Steed of Remembrance is like riding to war in style!

Mount Details Here →

Steed of Regal Revelry 40×Anniversary Tokens

Steed of Regal Revelry - LOTRO Anniversary 2020 Reward
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
Ride gallantly to war in the chocolate brown, plate-armoured Steed of Regal Revelry! Only available during the LOTRO Anniversary Event.

Mount Details Here →

Sea-Ward Steed 20×Anniversary Tokens

LOTRO Sea-Ward Steed | Anniversary Celebration Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
A mid-brown horse/pony, the Sea-Ward steed features draped sea-blue material, bearing the symbol of the White Ships. There is some plate mail on this mount, but I don't think it's overdone. The mane however...

Mount Details Here →

These previous event mounts are only available for 70×Mithril Coin now, which you can acquire by converting LP in the LOTRO Store. This list is in alphabetical order.

Mounts Found: 7

Anniversary Steed 70×Mithril Coin

Anniversary Steed - Mithril Coins only
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
The 2011 Anniversary mount is golden in colour, with a white caparison and bright-blue edging, for that royal anniversary feel.

Mount Details Here →

Fireworks Laden Steed 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Fireworks-laden Steed | Anniversary Mithril Coins Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
The Fireworks Laden Steed is a pale, near-white horse or pony/ It carries a whole bunch of fireworks, so you can celebrate the LOTRO Anniversary wherever you go!

Mount Details Here →

Steed of Odogil 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Steed of Odogil | Anniversary Mithril Coins Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
A beautiful, pure black mount, the Steed of Odogil has a beautiful black caparison, with a broad golden edge. On the sides and around the neck, you'll find a motif of one huge star watching over six smaller ones.

Mount Details Here →

Steed of the Unflagging Dragon 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Steed of the Unflagging Dragon | Anniversary Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
The Steed of the Unflagging Dragon is a full dragon outfit for your horse or pony, complete with mask, horns and faux wings. It's not a real dragon, after all!

Mount Details Here →

Steed of the Woodland Realm 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Steed of the Woodland Realm | Anniversary Mithril Coins Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
Image By
A weather-beaten horse/pony, the Steed of the Woodland Realm looks like it's been on plenty of adventures. For a different kind of LOTRO Anniversary mount, take a look here →

Mount Details Here →

Teal Fireworks Laden Steed 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Teal Fireworks-laden Steed | Anniversary Mithril Coins Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Horse/Pony
The Teal Fireworks Laden Steed is a past LOTRO Anniversary mount and is a recoloured version of the brown variety. Make an impact with this eye-catching mount.

Mount Details Here →

Windfells Goat 70×Mithril Coin

LOTRO Windfells Goat | Anniversary (Mithril Coins) Mount
Anniversary Event
→ Goat
Based on the Druggavar of Enedwaith, the Windfells Goat is decidedly more friendly and lets you ride it, instead of trying to kill you.

Mount Details Here →

TL;DR A Huge Range of Anniversary Mounts

Apart from the two firework-laden steeds, the Anniversary Mounts are all pretty unique. And, as mounts no longer “age” from Anniversary Tokens Anniversary Tokens to Mithril Coin Mithril Coins anymore, the variety of steeds you can acquire simply through playing the event will continue to increase.

Enjoy the event and I’ll see you soon!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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