LOTRO Lone-Lands Slayer Deed Guide

LOTRO Lone-Lands Slayer Deed Guide and Map by FibroJedi

The Lone-Lands in The Lord of the Rings Online is the fourth and last of the classic F2P free regions, before they made all content up to L95 free! While not as vast as Bree-land, the Lone-Lands is a huge area and a scaling difficulty from West to East. If you’re looking to clear the Slayer of the Lone-Lands Deed in LOTRO, you will be travelling the length and much of the breadth of this region, too!

So let’s have a look at the slayer deeds in the home of Weathertop, where Frodo was attacked with a Morgul knife. Don’t worry, you don’t have a Nazgûl slayer deed!

What Enemies are in the Lone-Lands Slayer Deed?

In alphabetical order:

  1. Bog-Lurkers
  2. Crabain (which is the plural of Craban).
  3. Goblins
  4. Orcs
  5. Spiders
  6. Trolls
  7. Wargs
  8. Wights (Gaunt-Men)
  9. or skip straight to the Lone-lands Slayer Deed Map

I haven’t marked everywhere you can find the targets for the Lone-Lands Slayer Deed. There are areas with one or two of one group and a few more of another. To make the deeds less painful, if you’re still questing in the Lone-Lands, take these ones out as you move around.

Bog-Lurker Slayer Deed

Welcome to the most annoying slayer deed of the Lone-Lands and, apart from Crawler-Slayer in the Trollshaws, one of the worst in Eriador. This is because there are only a few to be had before you have to venture into the more-challenging area of Agamaur. I’ve done what I can here to help you out.

Bog-Lurker Locations:

The Circle of Blood

Haragmar (31.2S, 27.2W)

This is your first port of call for Bog-Lurker Slayer. The Circle of Blood is just East of Ost Guruth.

Some lurkers are always visible (Vile Bog-Prowler).

Vile Bog Prowler at the Circle of Blood - the Lone-Lands, LOTRO

Others are, well, lurking (Bog-Lurker Ambusher). So they may jump you or you may “sense” them. Where there are lurkers, there are likely more than meets the Eye. Okay not that Eye, but you know what I mean.

The problem is there are only a few. And you need 90 Bog-Lurkers to completely clear the two deeds!


(27.9,28.4 – 28.1,27.1)

One you’re Level 30 or above, you can venture into Agamaur. In fact, the Epic (briefly) brings you here. Agamaur has a bunch of small fellowship quests, so you may find having your Skirmish Soldier with you a helpful addition. Fell Bog-Prowlers can be found on the Northern edge of Agamaur, but these are normal difficulty enemies.

I suggest clearing the Circle of Blood, then move to Agamaur and then return to the Circle. It will be less frustrating than waiting for them to respawn.

Bog-Lurkers in the Arboretum

Thanks to @wynniesmusings for adding that the Garth Agarwen Arboretum Instance also has Bog-lurkers. In fact, it’s actually a full-on side objective. And they’re all yours!

How Many Bog-Lurkers Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 30 Lurkers for the first deed, and a further 60 for the Advanced one. So, 90 in total.

Bog-Lurker Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Bog-Lurker Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Bog-hunter
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points × 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Craban-Slayer Deed

As you’ll soon discover, some enemies desperate to be killed by you are found throughout the Lone-Lands. Occasionally these are in “pockets” or simply the odd one here or there. This is true when you’re working on the Crabain-Slayer. You will certainly find these crow-like birds in places I haven’t marked on the deed map as I’ve only marked the larger flocks. They all count, so kill, defeat, pluck – and reap the rewards!

Craban Locations:

The Weather Hills

Crabain Slayer Deed can be progressed throughout the Weather Hills in the Lone-Lands

Usually in ones or twos, Crabain can be found throughout the Weather Hills. As there are Orcs near here, if you’re questing or deeding, just keep your eyes peeled for these crows too.


A good number of Crabain can be found at the summit of Weathertop

Once you’ve scaled Weathertop (31.2S, 36.9W) you’ll find Crabain around the outside of the summit. I can’t remember off-hand if these spawn during the Retaking Weathertop instance. Do let me know.

Talath Gaun

Crabain can be found almost everywhere in the Lone-Lands (except dead areas)

You can hit a few birds with a few stones while you also progress the Warg-Slayer Deed. These are around 34.2S, 25.3W with a larger flock at 34.0S,25.1W.

Nain Enidh Crabain

There is a small pocket of the crows at (around 33.5S, 34.3W)

How Many Crabain Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 50 Crabain for the first deed, and a further 100 for the Advanced one. So, 150 in total.

Craban Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Craban Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Wing-cutter
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Goblin-Slayer Deed

Once you have finished the first section of the Lone-lands you’ll probably be sick to the back teeth of Goblins! If you are actually doing all the quests in this region (and are nearly on-level), you can mostly ignore the deed as you’ll probably complete it anyway! Finishing the Goblin Slayer Deed is not difficult!

Goblin Locations:

Minas Eriol Goblins

(36.4S, 38.9W)
Head to Minas Eriol ruins for the Lone-Lands Goblin Slayer Deed

Just further East than the Warg-Slayer location at Minas Eriol, Goblins can be found in abundance. There are some tricksy sappers, so just be warned if you’re not a ranged fighter. Though man, look at the muscles on this thing!

You’ll also find some Goblins over the bridges at Barad Iachiant. It’s under here, you’ll find some targets for the Spider-Slayer Deed.


Weatherfoot Goblin camp with permanent "hostage" decoration.

If Weathertop is at the top of a hill, I bet you can’t guess where Weatherfoot is? Oh right, you can guess. Show-off! Aside from the odd Warg here or there, Weatherfoot is a huge Goblin camp. Go crazy, but don’t get killed okay?

The quest A Polished Pendant leads you to this location.

Per the Wiki, Pengail says “I have learned my lesson dealing with these creatures”. But moments after you finish the quest, he’s back here. I guess he’s a slow learner!

Ost Laden

Ost Laden, near the Eglain-Camp in the Lone-Lands, LOTRO

Ost Laden is…laden with Goblins. But many are Signature strength, so proceed with caution. You don’t need to go into this place to complete the Lone-Lands Goblin-Slayer Deed. This ruin is just West of the Eglain-Camp at (34.4S,36.9W).

Goblins in Pocketses

Just so you know, there are pockets of Goblins and the occasional one here or there. As with other targets for the Slayer of the Lone-Lands Deed targets, I’ve just marked where there are plenty to be slain.

Goblin Stomping Day

Once you hit the Epic at Candaith’s Encampment, the Instance: Retake Weathertop also includes Goblins, the occasional Orc and Warg and one Troll.

How Many Goblins Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 60 Crabain for the first deed, and a further 120 for the Advanced one. So, 180 in total.

Goblin Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Goblin Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Goblin-Hewer
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki
For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Orc-Slayer Deed

If you thought the Goblin-Slayer Deed was easy, just wait for the Orc-Slayer Deed. Orcs do love their camps, weapon waving and looking mean, so just enjoy having a rampage!

Orc Locations:


(30.3S, 38.7W) and
(29.7.3S, 38.5W)
Glumhallow is probably one of the first Orc-Camps you visit.

Not Sleepy Hollow. That’s a different time and place. Glumhallow, however has two camps and Candaith sends you on a few jaunts in and around here early in the Lone-lands Epic.


(28.1S, 38.5W)
Bleakrift, an Orc Camp, is high in the Weather Hills.

Bleakrift is a multi-level Orc camp, connected by a bunch of bridges. Quests from Candaith such as Orc-thieves bring you here.

Ost Cyrn

(33.6S, 30.9W)
Ost Cyrn, Lone-Lands, perfect for the Orc-Slayer Deed, LOTRO

Ost Cyrn sits almost directly South of Ost Guruth. It contains some…interesting quests, let’s say. Don’t ask what’s in the barrels. But a couple of tours around this ruin will set you well on the way to clearing the Orc-Slayer Deed.


(32.9S, 32.9W)

From an understated wooden door in a small rocky hill you reach Iorvinas. Iorvinas is a “circular” underground system. It’s a square-ish shape that’s also a loop. On one side are Dourhand Dwarves. On the other are Orcs.

No, Half-Orcs do not count as half an Orc for the Slayer Deed. Sorry!

Note:There are, weirdly a few Orcs in Harloeg (around 37.3,27.7 ish). But, if you haven’t cleared the Lone-Lands Orc-Slayer Deed by the time you reach this area, I’d be very surprised!

How many Orcs Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 60 Orcs for the first deed, and a further 120 for the Advanced one. So, 180 in total.

Orc Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Orc Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Champion of the Lone-Lands
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Spider-Slayer Deed

It doesn’t matter how many times I encounter spiders in LOTRO, I always hate them and get creeped out. But they need putting down. Spiders in the Lone-Lands blight the land and, in one area, catch and kill people. So get cracking on the Spider-Slayer deed!

Spider Locations:

Amon Ros

around (30.9, 31.7)

Nain Enidh Spiders

West of Ost Guruth (31.2S,30.5W)
An example of a spider you can find West of Ost Guruth - Spider-Slayer Deed

There are quite a few quests available at Ost Guruth that deal with the Spiders in this area. If you’re roughly on-level, you’ll likely clear the first stage of the Lone-Lands Spider-Slayer just by doing the quests. You’re looking for this ruin:

The ruin West of Ost Guruth for Spiders

Spiders are up the hill behind this ruin and it’s not uncommon to find other players clearing the Spider-Slayer Deed here.

Minas Eriol

Example Spider of Minas Eriol, in the Lone-Lands, just as you enter

While they start out at normal difficulty (depending where you enter Minas Eriol), some of these spiders are Signature difficulty.

If you’re finding it tricky to access, it is under the Goblin section in the same area. But the Spiders are more easily accessed via the Warg portion of Minas Eriol at (35.4S, 39.2W).

Access Minas Eriol via this Warg area.

How many Spiders Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 60 Spiders for the first deed, and a further 120 for the Advanced one. So,
180 in total.

Spider-Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Spider-Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Spider-bane
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Troll-Slayer Deed

These signature-strength enemies are found in only one part of the Lone-Lands: The wood in the South, to the East of Harloeg (36.3S, 26.2W and South).

Balt-Olog Crusher
Head to the wood in Harloeg for Troll-Slayer in the Lone-Lands

Considering its proximity to a wight-haven of Nindor, the wood at Harloeg is actually really pretty. You don’t even have to do much “cycling” of foes here to hit the Lone-Lands Troll Slayer deed. Just head from North to South and then make your way back up and repeat.

Balt-Olog Heaver
Balt-Olog Heaver - a kind of Troll in Harloeg, Lone-Lands

The more into the South-Eastern corner you go the higher the density of the Trolls. I’m not judging their intelligence – just how many there are! You can effectively see the whole of this forest as a Troll-fest. I just didn’t want to put a huge block of purple on the map, especially as the spread of them varies.

Bonus Tip: If you’re looking for Artisan gathering nodes these can be found in Harloeg and Agamaur/Garth Agarwen.

How many Trolls Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 40 Trolls for the first deed, and a further 80 for the Advanced one. So, 120 in total.

Troll Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Troll-Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Troll-beater
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Warg-Slayer Deed

Where there are Wargs, there are other servants of the Enemy. Indeed, near one of the Warg “hotspots” you can find Crabain too. So where are the enemies to complete the Lone-Lands Warg-Slayer Deed?

Warg Locations:

Minas Eriol Wargs

(35.4S, 39.2W)
Minas Eriol is a great place to hunt Wargs for the Slayer Deed

Minas Eriol is one of the first places you will visit when you pick up quests at the Forsaken Inn. This ruin has a good number of Wargs (if Wargs can be in a “good” number while alive). If you’re within nine levels of these beasts, be aware that stealthy-hidey wolves also roam here.

Nain Enidh

(32.8S, 34.6W)
A pack of wargs can be found in Nain Enidh (South)

This location does not have a map-marker or name. However, if you pick up the Quest Iron-Jaws from Ost Guruth, then it is marked by this circle.

Wargs at Talath Gaun

34.2S, 25.3W
There's a den of Wargs at Talath Gaun in the Lone-Lands

Again, there is no map marker in-game for this location, but there are a few Wargs here. They look different to most of the other Wargs in the Lone-lands, just so you’re aware.

Also nearby (and around) are a good number of Crabain if you still need to complete that deed.

For what it’s worth, there are at least two Wargs during the Instance: Retake Weathertop

Note: Due to where Wargs can be found it is not unusual to encounter other players also trying to complete this deed. Please play nicely and either group up, or go to a different hotspot. Arguably, it’s quicker to complete this deed by alternating areas than waiting for them to respawn anyway.

How many Wargs Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 50 Wargs for the first deed, and a further 100 for the Advanced one. So, 150 in total.

Warg Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Warg Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Warg-hunter
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Wight Slayer Deed (Gaunt-Men)

Right, so in the Slayer of the Lone-Lands Deed it says “Gaunt-Men”. But the actual sub-deeds are Wight-Slayer and Wight-Slayer (Advanced). You’re looking for Wights, really – the walking Dead and not spirit-beings either.

Wight Locations:


From (31.2S, 27.2W)
Lone-lands Wights en route to Nan Dhelu

From the Circle of Blood and North towards Nan Dhelu you can find Wights in ones and twos.

Nan Dhelu

From (30.5S, 20.3W)
Nan Dhelu Wights - and not a Gaunt Man.

Gaunt-Lords (e.g. Gaunt War-Singer), do not count towards the Slayer Deed, by the way.

Harloeg & Nindor

Around (37.9S,29.6W)
Wights around Nindor in Harloeg

This is area a bit maze-like, but there’s no shortage of targets here.

Other Areas

Just in case there weren’t enough dead things to grant a second death to… here are some more places.

How many Wights Do I Need?

You’ll need to defeat 60 Wights for the first deed, and a further 120 for the Advanced one. So, 180 in total.

Gaunt-Men Slayer Deed Rewards

For completing both stages of Wight-Slayer, you receive:

  • Title Title Enemy of the Dead
  • LOTRO Points LOTRO Points & 15
  • Marks Marks × 30
  • Virtue XP Virtue XP: 2,000
  • Reputation Reputation with the Eglain: 1200
This Deed on the Wiki

For more help and information, see this page on LOTRO-Wiki.

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Bog-LurkersCrabainGoblinsOrcsSpidersTrollsWargsWights (Gaunt-Men)Slayer Deed Map

Lone-Lands Slayer Deed Map

Here is version 1.1 of my Lone-Lands Slayer Deed Map. If you use this on your site, or share it to communities like Reddit please can you link back to this post? Thanks!

Thanks to @nelnardis for making a colour change suggestion so key colours were not too similar. This has been incorporated into v1.1.

How to Give Feedback, Corrections, Additions

Everything #LOTROfamily and the LOTRO community do, we do together. So if you know of where a change, or addition can be made, you can let me know by social media.

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TL;DR Go Defeat and Kill in the Name of the Free Peoples!

From West to East and pretty much from North to South, the Lone-Lands Slayer Deed is pretty long and arduous. Most, with the exception of Lurkers are pretty easy to complete though. I hope this guide and Slayer Deed Map help make it a little less painful. Happy slaying! (Sorta).

If you’re looking for other earlier regions, then see my Slayer Deed Guides page. Enjoy!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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