Highland Goobbue Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 4

FFXIV Highland Goobbue - Hunting Log Rank 4 Target

Common Misspellings/Typos


Well, dear Pugilist, I really hope you like Goobbues. Or, at least, like taking them down. The Highland Goobbue is is the second such enemy for you, following your earlier foray with the Goobbue.

Finding Highland Goobbues

Hopefully, you're unsurprised to learn that they can be found in Coerthas Central Highlands. Clue's in the name, and all that.

Okay, now, as a Pugilist you need five of these things. But they're actually spread out between Camp Dragonhead and the Observatorium. Teleport to Camp Dragonhead and begin to head South. X:26.7, Y:19.6 is the first one you encounter.

Once you've cleared those marked in the 3-dot map. If the first has not respawned, then you can head South to collect the other two:

Alternatively, check to see if any of the related FATEs are on.

Highland Goobbue Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:26.7, Y:19.6
  • Region/Area:
    Coerthas Central Highlands: Dragonhead
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead

FFXIV Fate Involved in FATEs

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