Well, if you’ve followed any of my other guides, welcome to the final one for you, White Mage: the Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 5! In other logs, you have a gentle increase in difficulty. While
technically true for this one, the RP jump from just looking for Golden Fleece to invading a Garlean Castrum or two is rather funny. As always, there is a bunch of EXP available and plenty of travel or Aethyrite-hopping. Let’s crack on.
When Can I Start Rank 5?
You’ll have this part of your Conjurer Hunting Log unlocked once you meet the following requirements:
- You have cleared all of Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 4.
- You are at least Level 40.
Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 5 Targets
Reward: 40,000 Conjurer 41
Reward: 17,000
Golden Fleece
Number Required: 4 I recently found out that these - and their
Phurble cousins are actually a type of Voidsent. Which would be fine, if you didn't make clothes from the Snurble Tufts that drop from them. The
Golden Fleece is as described, except it has creepy eyes and is nothing like a nice fluffy sheep you normally think is associated with the word 'fleece'.There are also plenty of them if you wander around the Burning Wall,
if someone else isn't there farming them for Snurble Tufts. I know it's a long way from Camp Drybone, but if you do see someone doing that - come back later.
Eastern Thanalan: The Burning Wall
Nearest Aetheryte
Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone
Conjurer 42
Reward: 17,500
Dead Man's Moan
Number Required: 1 The animated skeletons of drowned seamen. Nothing freaky about that, right? And by "drowned", I mean literally, rather than just consumed by a love for Leviathan.
Dead Man's Moan Location
On the Isles of Umbra, head towards the beach, or just into the water at the Ship Graveyard. But you only need do this if the FATE mentioned below is not on.
Involved in FATE
Western La Noscea: Isle of Umbra
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
Number Required: 4 A cousin, sister or brother of the similar-looking enemies on various Hunting Logs in FFXIV. Just as explosive and in your face. Don't let them explode your face, it won't be pretty. It might not be a bad idea to set your Chocobo to tank mode, allowing you to keep your distance a bit and do your Conjurer/White Mage thing from relative safety.
Grenade Location
These are found around the
Iron Lake - look for the bright yellowy-orange ground and you'll be alright. There are also
loads of
Grenades, even if
Fire in the Hole is not active. And they're hyper-aggressive if you're within it's level range.
Involved in FATE
Fire in the Hole (around
X:21.0, Y:16.0)
Outer La Noscea: Iron Lake
Nearest Aetheryte
Outer La Noscea: Camp Overlook
X:22.0, Y:14.0More Info
Number Required: 2 You're not hippo-surfing, unfortunately. These perculiar creatures just amble about in some sort of depressed state. It probably has something to do with having wings that don't make them fly but not having the stern look of a
Velociraptor. Maybe.
Hippocerf Location
You can find
Hippocerfs as you head towards Snowcloak (South-West) away from Whitebrim Front.
Coerthas Central Highlands: Whitebrim/Snowcloak
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead
X:10.5, Y:19.0More Info
Number Required: 2 These annoying birds come in various shapes and sizes in Eorzea and they're always hyper-aggressive. Thankfully they've been (somehow) boxed into a corner of the Isles of Umbra. Not that I'm complaining!
Lammergeyer Location
Head South through the crevice before turning West (or right, if you're facing South). Make your way around the bend and voilà! A whole herd of Lammergeyers! Flock...I meant flock.
Western La Noscea: Isles of UmbraNearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
Conjurer 43
Reward: 18,000
3rd Cohort Hoplomachus
Number Required: 2 The
3rd Cohort Hoplomachus features on your Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 5 objectives. He, along with a handful of other Garleans are spying out Larkscall in the East Shroud. But there
are only a handful. You may find you have to wait for a respawn if another player has had to clear the whole group just before you arrived. The Hoplomachus has a shield and one of their square swords.
Involved in FATE
A Wrench in the Works
East Shroud: Larkscall
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Conjurer 44
Reward: 18,500
Lesser Kalong
Number Required: 4 On the way to Urth's Gift you pass through a natural tunnel and it is from here that you will find the Lesser Kalongs. These bats are not solely in the tunnel, but you can find them deeper into Urth's Gift too. They are non-aggressive by default, but that'll change once you attack them, of course. You'd do the same if you were a Lesser Kalong.
South Shroud: Urth's GiftNearest Aetheryte
South Shroud: Quarrymill
Conjurer 45
Reward: 19,000
Snow Wolf
Number Required: 4 This is no Pup, but a full-on Snow Wolf. Yes, they're only slightly larger, but who are we to judge when the wolves stop calling their offspring "pups"?
Snow Wolves can be found due West of the Observatorium, pretty close to the entry to Coerthas from the North Shroud. So, take your pick of Aethryte, really. They're hanging around in the area near the Aurum Vale, just in case that place wasn't welcoming enough...
Coerthas Central Highland: The Boulder Downs
Nearest Aetheryte
Coerthas Central Highland: Camp Dragonhead (Or North Shroud: Fallgourd Float)
X:16.4, Y:31.8More Info
Snow Wolf
Conjurer 46
Reward: 19,500
5th Cohort Eques
Number Required: 4 Inline with the
MSQ, you're taking the battle to the Garlean Empire in Mor Dhona. This time the 5th Cohort Equis is your target. These are lancers, so are really easy to pick out from some of the other class of Garleans around here.If you're clearing your log after completing the main part of
A Realm Reborn, flight really helps to get to the targets quickly. As far as I can see, there were only 3 × Equites outside of
Castrum Centri.
Mor Dhona: Fogfens (Castrum Centri)
Nearest Aetheryte
Mor Dhona: Revenant's Toll
Conjurer 47
Reward: 20,000
Sea Wasp
Number Required: 4 Remember the
Bloodshore Bell? Well, the
Sea Wasp is just another weird variety of these...things. And the only thing similar between it and an
actual wasp is that it stings.
Sea Wasps can be found at The Serpent's Tongue
just before a bunch of pirates. Okay, a lot of pirates.
Western La Noscea: The Serpent's Tongue
Nearest Aetheryte
Western La Noscea: Aleport
X:14, Y:17More Info
Sea Wasp
Conjurer 48
Reward: 20,500
Sylph Bonnet
Number Required: 4 It's another walking Toadstool, folks! How are you supposed to go anywhere in the Twelveswood when even they attack you? Oh well, the
Sylph Bonnet is an appropriately-coloured purple
Toadstool. It matches the aura and colour of the touched Sylphs. Let's just hope they haven't been caught up in summoning rituals too.
Involved in FATE
Everything's Better
East Shroud: The Sylphlands
Nearest Aetheryte
East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut
Conjurer 49
Reward: 21,000
Number Required: 4 Just when you thought you'd seen enough when you encountered
Floating Eyes at Haukke Manor, up pops the
Ahriman. Or down it flutters. No matter its flight method, it's still a giant eyeball with teeth, claws, wings and arms and legs. And there really is no need to blink before killing a bunch of these.
Involved in FATES
Northern Thanalan: Bluefog
Nearest Aetheryte
Northern Thanalan: Ceruleum Processing Plant
X:24, Y:21.5More Info
Conjurer 50
Reward: 21,500
2nd Cohort Vanguard
Number Required: 4 If any of your Hunting Log targets so far have been hard to spot, you won't have that issue with the
2nd Cohort Vanguard! Your challenge will be being aware of other foes near you joining the battle. The ginormous magitek structures are more fragile than they look, but be careful of their forward-facing AoE attack.You'll find the Vanguards in
Castrum Occidens, along with a bunch of other Garleans.
Eastern La Noscea: Agelyss Wise
Nearest Aetheryte
Eastern La Noscea: Wineport
TL;DR Fluffballs to Garlean War Machines.
The Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 5 Escalated Quickly!
And if that means you’ve now cleared the entirety of the Conjurer Hunting Logs, then well done! This final set of thirteen enemies really does have an insane mix of foes. From fluffy Voidsent, to depressed scalekin, to the undead, walking toadstools and…the Garlean Empire. It’s a good job you’re prepared to face…pretty much anything, Warrior of Light! Now you’ve learned how to kill many things with precious few attacking moves, take a breath from destruction and go heal friends in a dungeon. That was what you actually wanted to do when you signed up to be a Conjurer, after all!
About the Author
Fibro Jedi
I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.
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