Wounded Aurochs Location in FFXIV
Marauder Hunting Log Rank 1

FFXIV Wounded Aurochs | FF14 Hunting Log Rank 1 Target

If there is a quest that tells you what injured the Wounded Aurochs, I can't remember it. Blame the Calamity, everybody does it.

Where are The Wounded Aurochs?

They can be found in Middle La Noscea in the circular area called The Cookpot. They are all inside that walled circle, so be aware that, if you're on-level, it's not hard to aggro two or more at the same time. Time to practice that tanking early, Marauder!

Not in a FATE, but...

This Auroch is not part of FATE...directly. However FFXIV Fate Boss Menuis at Work spawns in The Cookpot. While I have managed to complete that FATE without the surrounding Aurochs joining in, that's rare.

Wounded Aurochs Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:18.5, Y:17
  • Region/Area:
    Middle La Noscea: Summerford
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Middle La Noscea: Summerford Farm

How Many Wounded Aurochs for Hunting Logs?

They only feature in the Marauder log, and you require three.

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