LOTRO: The Angle of Mitheithel - Take a Look!

LOTRO Angle of Mitheithel Starter Guide - Rangers and Ruins Quest Pack

Update 32 brought the new quest pack Rangers and Ruins with the new Angle of Mitheithel region. This area is found South of the Trollshaws and sees you working with the Elves and Men purge the enemies from the sacred ruins of the area and investigate the Enemy’s activity here. Here is my quickstarter guide to the Angle of Mitheithel, along with some screenshots of the region for you to enjoy. But don’t worry, I’ve not included any story spoils, so let’s get to it!

How Can I Play the Angle of Mitheithel?

What Level Do I Need to Be?

The Angle of Mitheithel region is for Level 40+. The LOTRO Store says the range is roughly 40-45, though you may go over that. Once you hit L45, of course, you can carry on levelling in standalone regions by moving onto the Wildwood of Bree-land!

How Do I Start the Angle of Mitheithel?

  1. Rock up to Gaerond (34.7S,22.1W) directly. You can do this by heading into the Trollshaws via the Last Bridge in the Lone-Lands. Take the first right turning South and keep going.
  2. At Thorenhad in the Trollshaws a linking quest (called a “vector” in the Update 32 Patch NotesExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)). This quest is ingeniously called The Angle of Mitheithel and can be picked up from Elrohir (31.6S, 15.2W)

What’s the Premise Behind Rangers & Ruins?

I’ll let LOTRO do the talking on this one!

Stretching south from the Trollshaws to the junction of the Bruinen and Mitheithel rivers is a wild land of rocky hills and deep pine-woods, and a graveyard of ancient kingdoms. The ruins of Elves and Men alike crumble among the trees, and the Rangers steal through the shadows of the trees, ever watchful, carrying out secret assignments as the North grows more dangerous by the day.

Travelling to the Angle

Key Camps/Towns

New Reputation Faction

The region comes with a new faction: Defenders of Mitheithel. Alongside that, a new barter currency: Marks of the AngleMarks of the Angle can be obtained as rewards for quests and deeds.

Note: Unlike the Wildwood of Bree-land, there are no “reputation consumable” items. So your precious tokens can all go into your wallet towards those rewards!

Bound to Account Rewards!

Something I’ve not seen many places in LOTRO is that the quest rewards in the Angle of Mitheithel are Bound to Account. So you can run all the stories at whatever level and give any Combat Gear to your L40+ alts!

Celebration of Nature

In creating the Angle of Mitheithel, LOTRO have included many species of non-aggressive wildlife. Here are six examples alone and I know there are more. I’m glad that not every animal is aggressive, that’s far more immersive and realistic. Enjoy the area, folks, that’s what it is there for!

Current Rewards

Though I suspect/hope this list may increase, the current rewards based on reputation standing are.

Quest Reward Decoration

Without giving any spoilers away, you receive the Painting of Mitheithel after completing Ravaedron’s Questline.

Angle of Mitheithel Screenshots

Here are just a few shots from this beautiful and varied zone.

TL;DR Time to get Questing!

So, watch this space! Now I’ve done my intro post on the Angle of Mitheithel, I’ll begin writing the guides too. These will be given first to my Patreon Crew before being released publicly. If you’d like Early Access to most of my content, feel free to join up. If you’re okay to wait, that’s cool too.

I’m loving these standalone regions and I’m really glad LOTRO is creating them. I hope you enjoy the Angle as much as I think I will. See you in Middle-Earth!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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