Spring-flinger Cloak
Hooded and Unhooded | LOTRO Spring Festival

The Spring-flinger Cloak was released in 2011 at the same time as the Spring Dandy Cloak and offers a different feel altogether.

Spring-flinger Cloak Description

Based primarily on slightly-textured gold, the emphasis is on the contrasting, dark green patterns. Even the flower between your shoulderblades is green, but the two-tone look works somehow. Not that it's purely two-tone, as orange sections can be seen here or there.

The reason is that the Spring-flinger Hooded Cloak features the orange flower also present on the Spring Dandy Hooded Cloak.

Dye Preview

For an even fresher Spring Festival look, LOTRO-Wiki show it in Forest Green dyeExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

Spring-flinger Cloak Information

  • Festival/Event: Spring Festival
  • Price: 13 × Spring Leaves Spring Leaves
  • Set Name: Spring-flinger
  • Gear Slot: Back
  • Category: Cloak

Spring-flinger Hooded Cloak

Items in this Set

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