Spring Dandy Cloak
Hooded and Unhooded | LOTRO Spring Festival

The Spring Dandy Cloak is pretty much as old as you're going to get for Spring Festival cosmetics, having been made in 2011. Even so, I think it is worth including older items and honouring the work of the past.

Spring Dandy Cloak Description

If you ignore its age, this is not a bad Spring Fest cosmetic. There are leaves, stems and flowers throughout the design and the colours are in yellows, greens and either a terracotta brown or orange.

The yellow portions have a slightly darker plant texture to them, but I don't think that it's overdone.

Hood Description

If you are a fan of hoods (I am not), then maybe the Spring Dandy Hooded Cloak is a bit of a disappointment. It kind of looks dirty, even if you focus on the bright flower on the back of your head.

Maybe that was intentional - people are out in their gardens more in Spring. Who knows?

All I'll say is: don't discount an outfit cosmetic purely because of its age. Use Dressing Room and see how it looks to you.

Wiki Link

https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Item:Spring_Dandy_CloakExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)

Spring Dandy Cloak Information

Spring Dandy Hooded Cloak

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