FFXIV Hatching-Tide 2023

FFXIV Hatching-tide Event Guide and Rewards

Hatching-Tide in FFXIV can often be a bit weird; strange creatures, bizarre outfits and Twelve know what else. And it seems 2023 will continue to bring us oddities – this year in the form of a Tonberry theme, and an emote better suited to All Saints Wake than a Spring or Easter event! But the team at FF14 always bring a good story and some fun, so let’s hop get right into it.

What is Hatching-tide?

Hatching-tide is a Seasonal Event in Final Fantasy 14 that takes place in Spring somewhere around the Easter period. As such it celebrates themes such as new life, eggs, bunnies and the like. In 2023 it’s going to celebrate…Tonberries. Yeah, really. And eggs…but mostly Tonberries.

Getting Started

When is Hatching-Tide 2023?

This year’s eggstravaganza takes place from 27th March (at 1am PDT) to 10th April 2023 (at 7:59am PDT).

In the UK that means a 8am start on the 27th March, and a 3pm finish on the 10th April.

If you need to convert the times for your zone this tool can be quite handyExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

What Level Do I Need to Be?

As with many FFXIV Events, all you need to reach is Level 15. If you’re lower than that, I’d say “hop to it”, but I expect you’ll be sick of puns by day 1! And it doesn’t matter if you’re a subscriber or on the FFXIV Free Trial – you are all welcome!

Normal Quest Get Along and Play Knife is a Level 15 quest.

How do I Start Hatching-Tide?

As per the FF14 blog postExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), you’ll need to head to Old Gridania and to Mih Khetto’s Ampitheatre and speak to Jihli Aliapoh. Man, that Aliapoh family, seriously!

Get Along and Play Knife

Get Along and Play Knife - FF14 Hatching-tide 2023 Quest

Every year Jihli has a vision of how to bring the joys of Hatching-tide to the people of Eorzea. This year, her vision included Tonberries. Yes, those poor folk of the Wanderer’s Palace who now prey upon and stab those who venture in. Those Tonberries.

Thankfully, Jihli has recruits a Tonberry…ah…”fan”, called Hamlyn to help with this year’s celebrations.


Only this year, the Sylphs are intent on having their own “fun” in trying to spoil the festivities. You don the guise of Tonberry to try and scare them away.

No spoilers, but part of the story involves them trying to suss out why the Sylphs are causing trouble.

Don’t Be Sylphish FATE

FFXIV Don't Be Sylphish FATE

To get the Tonberry outfit glamours in the Hatching-Tide Rewards, you need to earn Archon Eggs which you earn through the FATE Don’t Be Sylphish.

You can find this FATE in the Central Shroud around X:25, Y:29


Your primary aim is straightforward: collect as many Archon Eggs as possible. However, as with other collection FATEs, you need to give them to Hamlyn. Once a certain number has been collected by the players, the FATE time reduces to one minute.


  • You’re not competing against other players as such. You can pick up an Archon Egg that another player is also going for.
  • Stay clear of the AoEs of both the Sylphs and the Mammet. Sylphic AoEs will interrupt your collection of Eggs. And if the Mammet zaps you, you’re stunned (“Down for the Count”) for a few seconds. That impedes your ability to collect and deliver your eggs.
  • You can scare Sylphs off using the “Frighten” Skill in your temporary hotbar. Yes, this is the Frighten Emote you’ll earn.
  • Don’t forget to deliver your eggs!
  • Lastly, delivering your eggs does not reduce how many you have as barter currency for Hatching-Tide Rewards. They remain in your inventory.

Hatching-Tide Rewards

For larger-screen viewers you should see two tabs – this year’s rewards and last year’s. While you cannot get last year’s in the event itself, if you were a player at the previous Hatching-Tide then you can claim some from the salvagers.

Hatching-Tide 2023 Rewards

How Do I Get The New Rewards?

Different rewards come from different places in FFXIV events. Some are quest rewards for completing that Seasonal Event’s quests. In this 2023 event, the Frighten Emote comes from completing the storyline.

All other rewards you can acquire all new rewards by exchanging Special Midnight Archon Egg Special Midnight Archon Eggs, which you obtain in the Don’t Be Sylphish FATE. The vendor you’re looking for is the Egg Advocate/Dreamer at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre.

Previous Years’ Rewards

to browse previous year’s rewards. Most include FFXIV Store links in case you want to splash out.


You cannot even interact with the vendor prior to completing the storyline. Besides, you can't buy anything there until you have either!

Tonberry Outfit Glamours

Because you’ve always wanted to be a Tonberry, there’s a full set of glamour items going. As it is pretty-much gender neutral, I will only take shots of this with one taller race and one Lalafell.

Why do I get the feeling people will be running The Wanderer’s Palace wearing this…?

How to Get the Tonberry Glamours

You get these by exchanging Special Midnight Archon Egg Special Midnight Archon Eggs, which you can earn by running the Don’t Be Sylphish FATE.

Each piece costs 2 × Special Midnight Archon Egg Special Midnight Archon Egg

Frighten Emote

Get angry with glowy eyes and everything. Ballroom Etiquette Ballroom Etiquette: Unnerving Undulations is your reward for completing the storyline.

FFXIV Frighten Emote - Ballroom Etiquette Unnerving Undulations
Play this video
FFXIV Frighten Emote - Ballroom Etiquette Unnerving Undulations

Command: /frighten

Housing Items

Oops, I forgot to update the text here. The decoration shot below is on the wall of my apartment. All the housing items this year are:

Mini-Game: Egg Hunter Riggy

Previous Years’ Rewards

Here is a sample of rewards from earlier iterations of Hatching-tide. I’ve only been playing a few years so I can only show what I have!

Emotes | Decorations & Minions | Previous Glamours

Can I Get Last Year’s Hatching-Tide Rewards?

If your character was active during previous years’ events then yes, you can claim some items. If your character was not around, then if you see something you like the look of, it’ll be off to the actual money store for you. I’ve included some of the Store links to help you out.

I still use the top from the Spriggan Attire from my first ever Hatching-Tide! (And yes, I’m a newbie in comparison to many players!).

FYI: Just because an item is shown here doesn't mean it can be reclaimed from the Dreamer or Salvagers.

Previous Emotes

Emote: Eat Egg

FFXIV /EatEgg Emote Video
Play this video
FFXIV /EatEgg Emote Video

Item: Ballroom Ettiquette – An Egg a Day
Commands: /eategg and /egg

FFXIV Store →

Decorations and Minions

I had to do private photoshoot of the Chicken and Rabbit costumes. I may not have much pride in myself, but there is a thread of it somewhere around!

Previous Hatching-Tide Glamours

Spriggan Attire / Outfit

FFXIV Store →

Rabbit Suits

There are three items here, though I’ve only given two shots: the Rabbit Suit, the Dapper Rabbit Suit and the Rabbit Head. While, looking at Limsa, I can see why FFXIV would sell the head separately, I can’t think why you’d buy the rabbit body on its own. But then again, I don’t dress my characters up as other species!

Store Links
Rabbit HeadExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) | Rabbit SuitExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) | Dapper Rabbit SuitExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)

Chicken Attire/Outfit

Because reasons.

FFXIV Store →

Magicked Prisms

As with other FFXIV Events, there are “consumable” magicked prisms. They’re the same ones as last year. You can pick up a stack of 10 for 1 × Special Midnight Archon Egg.

Visit the Official Page

You’ve probably already seen it, but if not…have a looksie hereExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

TL;DR Prepare for an.. unusual FFXIV Hatching-Tide 2023

One day, I’ll stop being surprised at the twists Final Fantasy XIV put into their Seasonal Events. Maybe! With an event FATE, a story quest and other rewards, there is enough to do to celebrate Hatching-tide. Even Tonberries need a bit of Spring cheer sometimes! Remember to take time to enjoy the Hatching-tide stories and those at other FFXIV Events. Have fun, folks!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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