Wolf Poacher Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Wolf Poacher - FF14 Hunting Log Target

This Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 2 Enemy is a Miqo'te called the Wolf Poacher. We've already dealt with a Goblin Hunter or three so now it's onto a different tribe.

Though, to be honest, I would see the poaching of wolves as being a positive thing for the Shroud? All wolves are hyper-aggressive. I'm not sure I buy into "kill the sentient Miqo'te to preserve the presence of wolves" thing! Let's just call it "aggressive negotiations" (different canon, but then there are Star Wars references in FFXIV, so, what the heck!).

Spotting the Right Poacher

As this litter of Miqo'te look mostly identical, the easiest way to find your targets is to look for the shields. I tried putting the nameplates on, but that just adds to the clutter! (Click/tap the picture to open it full-size).

Wolf Poacher Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:19.7, Y:30.1
  • Region/Area:
    East Shroud: Nine Ivies
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut

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