Treant Sapling Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Treant Sapling - Hunting Log Rank 2 Target

The Treant Sapling is one of various types of Treant in the Twelveswood. The only difference, except compared to those that are autumnal-looking, is the size. The saplings can easily be found not far from Gridania's Blue Badger Gate. Of course, that means it's also easy for other players to find them. Don't compete with others, come back and clear it later if needs be.


The coordinates listed nearby are just the approximate location of one. For others see the map, as they usually wander around on their own. Occasionally there may be two near each other, but I've not seen it often.

Treant Sapling Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X24.6, Y:18
  • Region/Area:
    Central Shroud: Jadeite Thick
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    New Gridania: Take the Blue Badger Gate

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