Kobold Pickman Location in FFXIV
Grand Company Hunting Log

FFXIV Kobold Pickman - Grand Company Hunting Log Target

The Kobold Pickman variety of Kobolds is one of a few scavenging around the skeleton at Thalaos in Upper La Noscea. I found four of them, but you only need three.

Despite their name, they are not holding picks, but axes. But don't take time to question why they're mining or digging with an axe!

Just appease your superiors and take some out for the safety of Eorzea. Then you can check off another entry in the Hunting Log to ease your rise in the Grand Company Ranks.

Relevant Grand Company Logs

Kobold Pickman Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:12.5, Y:22
  • Region/Area:
    Upper La Noscea: Oakwood
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake, orWestern La Noscea Aleport

FFXIV Fate Boss Involved in FATE

Poor Maid's MishapExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)

Kobold Pickman Reward

Serpent Seals × 357 Serpent Seals

Flame Seals × 388 Flame Seals

Storm Seals × 388 Storm Seals

How Many Kobold Pickmen?

You only need to take out three, but there are more available, you know, if you get carried away.

More important, where are all the Kobold Pickladies?

Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

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