Kobold Footman Location in FFXIV
Grand Company Hunting Log

FFXIV Kobold Footman | Grand Company Hunting Log Target

Your Kobold Footman target is one of a few varieties poking around the skeleton at Thalaos in Upper La Noscea. This includes the Kobold Pickman that you'll need for the Immortal Flames Hunting Log.

They're up the steep cliff but you have various options of how to get up there.

Facing the Kobold Footman

He's not a caster, so no zaps for you. But other nearby Kobolds may bless you with their zaps instead. Footmen have a tiny knife (which they'll use on you, of course). But they also try to protect themselves with a shield allegedly from Titan.

They also throw bombs that are infused with Titan's wrath. Allegedly.

FFXIV Fate Boss Involved in FATE

Poor Maid's MishapExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)

Relevant Grand Company Logs

Kobold Footman Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:1.5, Y:21.5
  • Region/Area:
    Upper La Noscea: Oakwood
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake

How Many Kobold Footmen?

You only need to take out three. But there are more available, you know, if you get carried away.

More important, where are all the Kobold Pickladies?

Alternative Aetheryte

Because this GC target is based on the Oakwood island, you you have an alternative choice for Aetheryte travel:
Western La Noscea: Aleport.

Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

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