The Arcturus Legacy - Star Wars FanFiction

Star Wars FanFiction: The Arcturus Legacy

What follows is the storyline for Cor-Jhan Arcturus. I write Star Wars "FanFiction" when I am able to, around work and heavily dependent on how my Fibromyalgia pain levels are.

SWTOR: The Arcturus Legacy

In the game of SWTOR, Cor-Jhan Arcturus is a Jedi Shadow, brandishing an orange double-bladed Lightsaber. I am a tank class, meaning I have tried to learn how to shield myself and others from damage.

Cor-Jhan Arcturus was developed a long time ago on a browser-based game developed by one of my friends. Since then I have meant to get back into writing FanFiction, and so it was with this character that I started my writing.

Looking for Talitha'koum?

For the backstory of my Twi'lek, see The Trials of Talitha'koum.

A Final Note

If you're viewing this in 2022 and beyond, you'll see SWTOR FanFiction stalled a long time ago. There are many reasons for this. With Cor-Jhan's I got stuck because of needing to find the path from a dislikable child to a sacrificial Jedi. With Talitha, that was more linked to my stopping playing SWTOR. I miss her so will play her again soon, if only for a day. Hopefully there's some FanFiction here you can still engage with.


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