Treasure Hunter's Satchel
LOTRO Buried Treasure Event Cosmetic

The Treasure Hunter's Satchel is really clever and makes me wish LOTRO used the back gear slot in neat ways like this more often. While it is technically a back gear-slot item, the small pouch of gold appears on your hip. Take it shopping, adventuring or to hide how much wealth you've actually dug up, by only displaying a little on your person!

I will double-check at the next Buried Treasure Event, but I think this satchel dyes really well too.

How to Obtain the Treasure Hunter's Satchel

You can find it in Medium Treasure CachesExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab). I think it's a fairly regular drop too. Alternatively, once the event is nearly over, pay just 60×Buried Treasure Tokens.

There's no point paying with tokens until you've finished with the event, after all.

Treasure Hunter's Satchel Information

  • Festival/Event: Buried Treasure Event
  • Price: 60 × Buried Treasure Tokens Buried Treasure Tokens
  • Set Name: Buried Treasure Back Items
  • Gear Slot: Back
  • Category: Satchel-and-side

Items in this Set

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