Firefly Lantern
LOTRO Farmers Faire Held Item - Cosmetic

Fireflies only come out at night - everyone knows that. What you may not know is that captured fireflies also only come out at night. Such is the way of the Firefly Lantern cosmetic. In the daytime, you don't just have sleeping fireflies - you have none at all! But at night they sneak back into your lantern to light the way once more. If they come and go as they please, maybe they're distant relatives of the domesticated cat.

Anyway, in all seriousness, only carry this at night, unless you're RP-ing going out bug-hunting. Which, naturally in an MMORPG, you're more than free to do!

The Firefly Lantern and Midsummer

There is also no link with any of the Firefly quests during the Midsummer Festival either. To newer players this may not seem obvious, but there used to be a Summer Festival roughly where Midsummer is now. All the old festival stuff got merged into Farmers Faire - which is why it feels like there's overlap when it comes to things like a Firefly Lantern.


Admittedly, for the 2022 Midsummer event, LOTRO gave us a lantern like thisExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) as a housing decoration. Just to add to the confusion!

Firefly Lantern Information

  • Festival/Event: Farmers Faire
  • Price: 35 × Farmers Faire Tokens Farmers Faire Tokens
  • Gear Slot: Held
  • Category: Held

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