FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023

FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023 - Guide, Rewards and the Santa-style outfit Glamours | FF14 Starlight Event

I barely feel like I’ve started this year and it’s already the FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023! Yep, this year’s event is on its way and with a new Santa glamour too. So let’s see how you get started on this Winter community gettogether and the rewards awaiting us.

When Is the FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023?

From Friday 15th December 2023 at 8am GMT (7pm AEDT) to 31st December 2023 at 14:59 GMT (1st January 2024 at 1:59am).

How to Get Started

It’s quite simple!

  1. Head to Old Gridania
  2. Take the Aetheryte Shard to Mih Khetto’s Amiptheatre
  3. Pick up the Normal Quest quest Blue Starlight from the Bearded Lady.

Check You’re Eligible

Are under Level 15 and started in Ul’dah or Limsa Lominsa? Make sure you hit L15 and have this quest active, or complete it, so you can take the airship to Gridania.

Note: if you started in Gridania, you’ll actually need your Envoy quest too. That’s because one of the quests means you need to travel to Ul’dah.

Blue Starlight & Together at a Distance

If you haven’t figured out from the deep blue eyes who the Bearded Lady and you’ve been to a previous FFXIV Starlight Celebration, then shame on you!

Anyhow, her event story starts with Normal Quest Blue Starlight.

This year they are celebrating the one they call the Saint of Nymeia – and his snowy beard. Amh has been outfitting others in replica Saint of Nymeia outfits to distribute Starlight presents.

They have been able to spread Starlight cheer, but is concerned about one child who seems to be struggling.

If you want to jump past spoilers then just head to the Starlight Celebration 2023 Rewards section.

Normal Quest Blue Starlight Walk-through

Wondering if the boy is okay and wanting to make him happy for this Winter festival, you’re sent to try and find where he has run off to.

Firstly, you need to ask others where he might be.

NPC Locations

  • Cheerful Cherub (X:9.1, Y:7.9)
  • Watchful Wailer (X:8.2, Y:7.5)
  • Playful Poppet (X:8.5, Y:8.6)

One of the children knows the “sad boy” as Tenny, who recently moved from Ul’dah.

Despite the fact that one of your contacts tells you where he has run to, you have to head back to Saulinne near the Ampitheatre to report your findings!

To Greatloam Growery

Tenny’s location is marked on your map, so you don’t need help on that bit!

Saulinne invites him to join with her and her friends for Starlight playtime. I won’t actually spoil the rest of his story, though. Go and enjoy it for yourself.

Did you manage to pick the 'smuggling him to Ul'dah' option? I can't quite bring myself to suggest it , but do let me know how he/they react!

Normal Quest Together at a Distance

The Saint of Nymeia has enlisted you to deliver the presents to Temmy’s friends in Ul’dah. So port or take the Airship to Ul’dah (take whichever is cheapest!).

You then need to find Temmy’s three friends.

Momolao (X:11.7, Y:8.5)

Momolau - Together at a Distance NPC in Ul'dah

Larkin (X:11.4, Y:11.3)

Larkin - Together at a Distance NPC in Ul'dah

Othuel (X:12.8, Y:13.3)

Othuel - Together at a Distance NPC in Ul'dah

Once you’ve made your deliveries, you have to take something back to Tenny. I’ll stop there with the description. Enjoy!

Starlight Surprise

Starlight Surprise is a repeatable quest from Amh Garanji and takes place just outside of the Ampitheatre.

It comprises of three short cutscenes where you give a gift to a child, then someone related to the giver somehow stops by afterwards.

You’re rewarded with 10×Magicked Prisms (Sunshine).

The Message of this Year’s FF14 Starlight

What is lovely about having a unique story each year is that each brings a message. Or even a few of them. This year, my takeaways are:

  • Consider hand-making some gifts, rather than feeling like you have to spend loads of money. Sure, it’s more effort, but it may be more meaningful.
  • Friendships take different turns, but there are ways of adapting during changes without feeling like you’re losing your friends.
  • Life cannot always stay in the same patterns. Treasure memories but live in the present.
  • Consider less tangible things – like friendship – as more important than

FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023 Rewards

From the offical siteExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), these are the new rewards for Starlight 2023.

Santa Glamours

These are awarded after the first quest: Blue Starlight. They are required to complete the second quest Together at a Distance.

Okay, it’s officially named as Unorthodox Saint’s items.

But “Santa” is just “Saint” in another language, so I’m just saying the same thing. Kinda.

Topiary Chocobo

As someone who has a topiary Carbuncle on their Island Sanctuary, I now think it’s a shame a light-up version isn’t available!

The Illuminated Topiary Chocobo is now its partner for a while!

The lights also twinkle in a sequence, so is kind of mesmerising to watch.

This decoration costs Gil 3,000 Gil from the Starlight Supplier, as these “side rewards” often are. If you’re a newer player and you want this while it’s available, ask someone in your Free Company to help.

Other Santa-like Glamours

I don't own many of these, unfortunately. But you can buy one from the Market Board.

Market Board

The Dream Hat, Dream Tunic (which comes with gloves), and Dream Boots are from about ten years ago. But you can get them on the Market board somehow.

Make sure you compare prices on different servers. Universalis.app is a great starting point.

Starlight Robe

The Starlight Robe was part of a previous event (before I started playing - it was gifted to me). According to GamerEscapeExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) it's in the store for $3USD/£1.73. (ConfirmedExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab))

I've shown this in the original colour above. Here it is in Hunter Green.

Others: FFXIV Store

Items in the store that are Santa Outfit-like:

Come Spread the Cheer of the FFXIV Starlight Celebration 2023

Now I've done most of the updates for Starlight 2023, I hope you can see that it's very much worthwhile, whether or not you want or need a Santa glamour!

I kinda wish the beard had a "visor toggle" so I could just wear the hat, but we can't have everything in life, even at Christmas!

Enjoy this, the latest of the FFXIV Events and I'll see yous soon in Final Fantasy 14.

Happy Christmas/Holidays/December/Starlight/Whatever!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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