5th Cohort Secutor Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 5

FFXIV 5th Cohort Secutor - FF14 Hunting Log Rank 5 Target

As the 5th Cohort Secutor is based in Mor Dhona, you'd think it was obvious where you would find them. Castrum Centri - correct! What is not so obvious is what a pain in the backside they are to find! I may have timed my search badly, but as you'll see from the map, they are sparsely distributed around the CastrumExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

If you're on your first run of the Main Scenario Quest MSQ, however, you may want to hold off purposefully hunting these down. This is because they appear in two different MSQ-related quests.

5th Cohort Secutor Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:12.0, Y:12.5
  • Region/Area:
    Mor Dhona: Castrum Centri
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Mor Dhona: Revanants Toll

Specific Locations

As I said, they were annoying as heck to find. The coords above relate to the eastern entrance to Castrum Centri. Here are the coordinates of the others I located:

  • X:12.0, Y:12.5
  • X:15.0, Y:13.6
  • X:10.3, Y:14.9
  • X:12.9, Y:16.5

Nearby Hunting Log Targets

In case Archer is not your only class/job, you'll also find the 5th Cohort Eques nearby. And in much larger numbers too!

5th Cohort Secutors also appear in the Book of Skyearth I as part of the ARR Relic Weapon quests.

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