LOTRO Wild Chocolate Donkey Pet
Made with genuine...Wild Chocolate

Wild Chocolate Donkey Pet Description

Oh dear, FJ, it's one of those weeks. Anyway, although I rarely have them clip-clopping behind me, I have a soft spot for critters like the Wild Chocolate Donkey pet. Somehow LOTRO's donkeys turn out really well.

I'd be more inclined to use them if certain pets could walk alongside you out of combat.

Wild Chocolate Donkey Description

This one joins the Wild Spotted Donkey and other donkey pets that I also like - and not just because of the title.

It's the simplicity, I think. That somehow you've tamed this creature, but it still retains some of its wild-ness. Enjoy its peaceful companionship.

Oh, and for the record, it's not made of genuine, wild chocolate... I don't think.

Extra Details

  • Festival/Event: Midsummer Festival
  • Species: Donkey
  • Year Introduced: 2024
  • Price: Midsummer Tokens × 20 Midsummer Tokens
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