Wild Jackal Location in FFXIV
Rogue Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Wild Jackal - Rogue Hunting Log Rank 2 Target

The Wild Jackal is the first wolf-type enemy for Rank 2. If Rogue is your first class, then just a heads-up: wolves like this often start with an AoE attack designed to give you a bleed DoT.

But what kind of sneaky Rogue would you be, if you couldn't side step an obvious first move?

Wild Jackals in Lower La Noscea

Though there are loads, the following coordinates have a few nearby

  • X:20.0, Y:31.0
  • X:20.5, Y:33.2
  • X:22.5, Y:34.5 - near Empty Heart.

Local FATE

If you're hunting these critters in Lower La Noscea, then they form part of FFXIV Fate Don't Drink the WaterExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

You can also find these Jackals in Western La Noscea.
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Wild Jackal Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:20.0, Y:31.0
  • Region/Area:
    Lower La Noscea: the Gods' Grip
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Lower La Noscea: Moraby Drydocks

Western La Noscea

I kept the Lower La Noscea ones as the priority because that's what the tooltip text in the Rogue Hunting Log says. But you can find more in Western La Noscea. This can be useful if you also have Roselings to hunt. Coordinates in Western La Noscea are:

  • X:35.5, Y:29.5
  • X:35.1, Y:28.5

In short, you only need 3 Wild Jackals. Even if you had no plan, you would probably stumble into a few by accident! Or, if you're on-level, they're pretty smart, so tend to turn on you and seek you out instead.

Local FATE

Wild Jackals are also involved in the FATE FFXIV Fate Shredding WheatExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), in Western La Noscea.

Featured In the Following Hunting Logs

Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

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