Mossless Goobbue Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Mossless Goobbue - Hunting Log Rank 2 Target

Common Misspellings/Typos

goobuemossless goobuegobbue

The Mossless Goobbue looks pretty mossy to me! Biology aside, I decided not to try and give one particular coordinate for these critters. This is because they're spread out a fair bit and will depend on whether other players are questing in the area at the same time.

Mossless Goobbue Location

Well, locations. They are in two roughly-defined areas of Lower La Noscea: near Moraby DrydocksExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) and around the Moraby Bay label on the map. Here's one of those areas, with the other map below:

Mossless Goobbue Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    See the Minimap
  • Region/Area:
    Lower La Noscea: Moraby Bay
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Lower La Noscea: Moraby Drydocks, or Limsa Lominsa

Alternative Location

ConsoleGamesWikiExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) also has Middle La Noscea as an option, around X:21, Y:23.

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