Jumping Djigga Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 3

FFXIV Jumping Djigga - Hunting Log Rank 3 Target

Common Misspellings/Typos

jumping digga

What a beautiful, buggy source of disease! I can't imagine why you'd be asked to kill a number of this poisonous death-bringers, can you? The Jumping Djigga does as its name implies - it jumps and flutters from place-to-place, rather than actually flying.

This breed of insect is found in the Bramble Patch, but not the area you initially arrive in. Take the North-West path (on the map it's the path that's parallel to the one for the Sanctum of the Twelve). Incidentally, if Glowfly is also on your Hunting Log Rank 3, then they are in the same area as the Jumping Djiggas.

Jumping Djigga Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:16.0, Y:20.5
  • Region/Area:
    East Shroud: The Bramble Patch
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    East Shroud: The Hawthorn Hut

Not a Digga

Despite the temptation to think so, the Djigga is not a Jumping Digga. Unless spiking you counts as digging into your skin? Creeped out yet? Me too, let's move on...

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