Firefly Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Firefly - FF14 Hunting Log Target
Need Fireflies in La Noscea? Click/tap Here

These amazing Firefly bugs with luminescent green auras have decided that the best place they could live is among the tombs. Go figure.

FFXIV Firefly Location (Central Shroud)

Fireflies in the Black Shroud can be found underground, along with some Magicked Bones at the Tam-Tara DeepcroftExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) - beyond which is the entrance to that dungeon.

If you're vaguely on-level, you'll have to pick off each Firefly individually while warding off skeletons. Yay.

The only good thing about that is at least you can easily see them, whether it's daytime or nighttime in-game.

Lucky you, I guess!

Firefly Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:19.4, Y:27.7
  • Region/Area:
    Central Shroud: Tam-Tara Deepcroft
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Central Shroud: Bentbranch Meadows

Needing the FFXIV Firefly in La Noscea?

If you're needing these for your Marauder Hunting Log (Rank 2), I have been able to update this for you. There are two spots for Fireflies that I've found:

Lower La Noscea: (X:26.5, Y:37)
On the cliff overlooking Moraby Drydocks:

Western La Noscea (X:23, Y:20.2)
Near a monument by the North Tidegate:

Because Conjurers and Marauders need Fireflies at different levels, I couldn't easily link the two together. But Marauders will need 3 × Firefly to clear that part of their log.

Incidentally, it usually does not matter where you find your enemy. If it has the correct nameplate, then it counts!

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