Chinchilla Location in FFXIV
Rogue Hunting Log Rank 4

FFXIV Chinchilla - Rogue Hunting Log Rank 4 Target

The cute-but-deadly Chinchilla has various cousins including the Star Marmot and Deepvoid Deathmouse.

If I remember correctly, some Coerthans fear this white variant as they've been known to attack travellers. For all their fluff they have really sharp teeth. As someone who's been bitten by a squirrel in real life, I can relate.

Where are Chinchillas?

They're between Camp Dragonhead and Whitebrim Front in the Coerthas Central Highlands. They're not difficult to spot, but they are also pretty well spaced out. Thankfully, you only need two so that's not an issue really.

Chinchilla Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:16.5, Y:20
  • Region/Area:
    Coerthas Central Highlands: Whitebrim
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Coerthas Central Highlands: Camp Dragonhead

Involved in Quest

These critters are also part of the mildly-humorous quest: Normal Quest Salving the WoundsExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

Additional Locations

The coordinates above relate to the first "group" you reach from Camp Dragonhead, given that's the only Aetheryte in the region. If you happen to need others, or are elsewhere in Coerthas, you can find other Chinchillas around:

  • X:14.3, Y:18.2
  • X:15.0, Y:20.5

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