4th Cohort Vanguard Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 5

FFXIV 4th Cohort Vanguard - Hunting Log Rank 5 Target

I believe that the Arcanist Hunting log is the only one where Difficulty 50 is not your counterpart in the Garlean Empire. Instead of a magic-wielder you get the 4th Cohort Vanguard.

So, dear Arcanist/Summoner/Scholar (* delete as appropriate) you get magitek instead of magick. And these enormous machines have ranged and melée skills too. So, stay mobile - but if your within 8-10 levels of it, be careful not to pull other enemies into your battle. Your summoned creatures may be ethereal, but you aren't. Probably not, anyway.

Where Are They?

They patrol in and near Cape Westwind in Western Thanalan. Yes that point of the map that takes forever to reach, even from Horizon. That one.

It's hard specifying coordinates when they're spread out. The furthest East is around X:11.8, Y:7.0 and the furthest West is near X:8.7, Y:5.9.

4th Cohort Vanguard Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:10.5, Y:6.5
  • Region/Area:
    Western Thanalan: Cape Westwind
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Western Thanalan: Horizon

Although the Empire does have Thaumaturges ("Signifers", like the 5th Cohort Signifer), no Garlean summoners exist. We shouldn't really be surprised given their usual response to "summoned" things during A Realm Reborn.

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