How to Unlock a Fourth Crafting Profession in LOTRO

LOTRO - How to Unlock a Fourth Crafting Profession Slot (or a Gathering one!)

With the release of Update 41, LOTRO have expanded their crafting system, allowing players to train a fourth crafting profession for the first time. Or a gathering one, if you prefer!

Adding that new slot is really easy, but I figured it would be better to lay it out step-by-step. I’ll also answer a couple of related questions.

When Will The Additional Crafting Slot Be Coming to LOTRO?

The extra crafting (or gathering) slot can be unlocked now that Update 41External Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) is live!

How to Add a 4th Crafting Profession in LOTRO

  1. Open the crafting panel and press the “Add More” button.
  2. The LOTRO Store will open on the “Profession Slot Unlock” screen. Purchase the item.
  3. Important! In your bags you have a Profession Slot Unlock Item. Right click it to consume it.
  4. Your crafting panel now has a nice shiny “Train More” tab.
  5. Visit a Master or Mistress of Apprentices to start another crafting or gathering profession.

I have marked the third step as important because I’ve seen people say “I’ve bought the crafting slot but it’s not working!”. And that’s because it is a Bound to Account item, so it is delivered to your bags first, rather than your purchase auto-applying it.

Bullroarer Note

This process is correct as of the third run of Update 41’s Bullroarer (on the Mordor server).

I will ensure it is correct once that update goes live.

Step-by-Step With Screenshots

1. Click “Add More” in the Crafting Panel

Open the Crafting Panel using the button on the bottom bar or with the default keybind of T.

Where your tabs are now, to the right you can see the gold-edged “Add More” button.

Press this to open the LOTRO Store.

Note: This button should not appear until you have trained in three professions. The first three are free, as they have always been.

2. Buy the Item

On that screen confirm your purchase. An important point here is that it is not automatically applied.

3. Unlock the Fourth Crafting Profession

A consumable item is placed in your bags/inventory on completion, which is called a Crafting Profession Slot Unlock Crafting Profession Slot Unlock.

Find that in your bags, send it to, and use it on, whichever character you want to unlock the profession.

4. Check Your New Tab is Ready

If everything has gone smoothly, you will have a new Train More tab in the crafting panel.

6. Start Crafting/Gathering!

The Train More tab will be replaced by your new profession. Now you can go ahead and start building your skills!

Or skillz if you think that makes you sound better.


How Much Does a New Crafting Slot Cost?

In beta/Bullroarer, the price was set at LOTRO Points 995 LOTRO Points.

I wouldn’t expect that to change, given that Bullroarer is a public preview server.

If that seems high, then have a look on my LOTRO Points Guide for tips on earning LP!

Is the Cost per Character or Per Account?

When you purchase the Crafting Profession Slot Unlock Crafting Profession Slot Unlock for LOTRO Points 995 LOTRO Points, it is for the character that uses the item.

I am not seeing an option for an account-wide version yet.

Can I Have More Than Four Professions?

From Update 41, four gathering or crafting professions per character will be the maximum.

I Bought the Extra Slot but Can’t Train a New Profession!

  • Double-check your bags for the Crafting Profession Slot Unlock Profession Slot Unlock item. You need to use/consume it before trying to train. “My friend” did exactly this when I added my first new slot. Yes, I forgot to follow my own instructions.
  • Are you on the same character who was logged in when you purchased it? Check you haven’t misremembered.

If it is not there, check you haven’t put it in storage, or mailed it to another character. If you genuinely think you’ve bought it and have double-checked, and have not trained for more crafting or gathering, then open a help ticketExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

TL;DR Add Another Crafting or Gathering Profession Easily

It’s as easy as 9-9-5 LOTRO Points to add a fourth crafting profession in LOTRO! Now you can go forth (the other forth!) and make more or gather more without as much logging in and out of different characters.

Hehe, logging. No more puns, FJ!

Have fun in Middle-Earth!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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