Trickster Imp Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 1

FFXIV Trickster Imp - Hunting Log Rank 1 Target

I know I should not immediately say "ignore this information" on any page of my site, but if you started your character's story in Gridania, you pretty much can. Although the Trickster Imp is not directly involved in the Main Scenario Quest MSQ here, your MSQ does bring you to Spirithold where they can be found. Just ensure you clear four of them before you leave. You may need to venture deeper into Spirithold if other players - especially Archers - are around, however.

FFXIV Fate Involved in Fates

Spirithold Run
Now I See Bees I Won

Trickster Imp Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:25.5, Y:25.2
  • Region/Area:
    Central Shroud: Spirithold (Greentear)
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Central Shroud: Bentbranch Meadows

On the Approach

Technically speaking, Trickster Imp can be found in the passageway, or on the steps, approaching the main building of Spirithold. But, due to it featuring in the MSQ, and on the Archer Hunting Log, it's not unusual to come across other players also taking them down.

Make sure to look in the little cells on the North and South sides of the buildings as some have the cheeky little beggars in them! Don't worry, they have inner peace before doing so!

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