Chigoe Location in FFXIV

FFXIV Chigoe - Hunting Log Rank 1 Target

This is the first enemy in your log that is unique to you, dear Conjurer. You have the delight of hunting a Chigoe or three. Well, three. These disgusting blood-sucking insects are huge and they bounce and flutter around. The Black Shroud is also home to at least one other variety that I can think of. Anyway, better hurl some rocks and wind at a few of them to make the Elementals happy. It will, won't it?

Alternative Chigoe Location

If other players are also clearing their hunting log or related quests, then there is an alternative location. And that is Spirithold, where you'll also find Syrphid Swarms. Those will be Level 7, but you're a healer, so that won't be a challenge even for a fledgling Conjurer, right?

Chigoe Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X27.0, Y:18.5
  • Region/Area:
    Central Shroud: Green Tear
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Central Shroud: Bentbranch or New Gridania

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