SWTOR Little Boss - Alliance Recruitment Mission for Blizz

Blizz - Little Boss Alliance Companion Mission

Having only just recently finished the Bounty Hunter Mission on SWTOR, it was a pleasant surprise to have the opportunity to recruit Blizz into our Anti-Arcann Alliance as part of SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire. This relaxing and, frankly, fun, mission takes place on Hoth, so time to don your shades and jump into Little Boss!

Who is Blizz?

Blizz is a Jawa Bounty Hunter who you recruit on Hoth as part of the Bounty Hunter Class Mission. So it is with some irony that he returned to Hoth, the planet that originally caged him, to work with other Jawas.

How do you recruit Blizz in SWTOR/KotFE?

Little Boss is a standalone mission as many KotFE Alliance Alerts are, as he does not feature in a chapter of KotFE or KotET.


I believe you have to have completed Chapters 1-9 of Fallen Empire. You should also know that Little Boss is a pre-requisite of Shining in the Darkness, the Alliance Alert you receive to recruit Guss Tuno (Smuggler Class Companion).

SWTOR Little Boss Guide and Walk-through

Little Boss is a 3-stage Mission. Because of this, you may want to put aside an hour or so to complete it in one sitting. Here’s a walkthrough guide to the full mission:

Little Boss – Stage 1: Scavenging Salvage for Blizz on Hoth

Little Boss requires you first to scour the area around the Starship Graveyard area of Hoth.

You are looking for items in the ground marked as Salvage. As this is a ‘public’ area, although some salvage items are visible they cannot be harvested until they respawn. But there are a lot of salvage items to be had. Simply run or mount around the area and harvest the items, in the same as you would for gathering crafting materials.

Periodically, a droid will attack you. But don’t worry, they also drop the salvage that Blizz will love!

How Much Salvage Do You Need for Blizz?

You need 20 items of salvage which will sit in your Mission Items. Each node of salvage will give you between 1-5 ‘items’ of salvage, so you don’t need to find many active nodes.

Little Boss – Stage 2: Deliveries to other Jawas

In the next stage, you set off trekking across the harsh world of Hoth, delivering items of value to other Jawas. The mission markers are found on your map, so use the Speeder Taxi and Quick Travel liberally to make this as smooth as possible.

The Solution for Stage 2

  1. Associate Jawa 1
    Jawa’s Name: Preeti
    Item To Give: Vibro-Ear
    Location: Clabburn Tundra (Buried Field)
  2. Associate Jawa 2
    Jawa’s Name: Nu’na
    Item To Give: Socks
    Location: Highmount Ridge (Tromper Crags Geothermal Installation)
  3. Associate Jawa 3
    Jawa’s Name: Dakk’ik
    Item To Give: Sniff Machine
    Location: Glacial Fissure (Southern Cravasse)
  4. Associate Jawa 4
    Jawa’s Name: R’bik D’nec
    Item To Give: Laser Torch
    Location: Starship Graveyard (Grim Path)

If you get the Jawas’ names right first time, you get some influence points with Blizz for managing to remember the names of the little people you’re delivering to! There’s an achievement to be won by not making any mistakes here too.

Little Boss – Stage 3: Taking on the Ugnaughts

The final stage is to take a small army of Jawas to an underground cave just North of the Starship Graveyard. This is not far from the Star of Coruscant downed starship on the eastern edge of the map.

  • There are 8,530 Credits (at L75) to be have for dispatching 9 groups of Ugnaughts
  • You need to defeat the Chief Ugnaught to complete this mission. Be warned, he does have a huge one-shot attack that took half of my Hit Points. So consider fighting with Blizz in heal mode, unless you’re a healer yourself.

Use the Beacon at the start of the Phase. You then get all the above Jawas to join you. It appears they may bring buffs with them, but hovering over them doesn’t tell you what the buffs are exactly, just that they are using the equipment you’ve just delivered.

TL;DR Completing SWTOR Little Boss and Recruiting Blizz

You can become his ‘Big Boss’ and impress Hylo Viz by recruiting Blizz into your Alliance. Little Boss is a pretty relaxing mission (apart from needing to dim your screen brightness of course). So this makes a refreshing change after the chaos and hard fighting of Chapter 10, Anarchy in Paradise!

This SWTOR mission is a lot of fun, especially meeting the rather demented Jawa R’bik – Enjoy!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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