LOTRO Shire Brew-master Deed Guide and Map

LOTRO Shire Brew-Master Deed Guide and Map

The Four Farthings Brewing-Moot is taking place and all the key contenders have a problem with their best ales. Problems you, of course, can solve! Thus a “hidden” deed is born: LOTRO Shire Brew-master Deed, which not appear in your Deed Log until you complete it! You will need to visit various Inns across the Shire and help them out so they can all enter the Moot with confidence that they will be crowned victor! This quest is a great little gem by LotRO and the only combat you’ll have is if you are at-level and have to fight for the missing ingredients. So let’s get those ales sorted!

How to use the Brew-master Deed Map

Alongside this guide to this Shire Deed, you can use this map to help you. It’s about as simple as they get!

  • Circled Numbers: are the actual Inns you need to visit, see below!
  • Starred Numbers: are roughly where the Inn-keepers send you. Number 3 does not have a star because the objectives are right near the Inn.

1. The Bird and Baby Inn

Michel Delving (33.4S, 75.4W)

2. The Green Dragon

Bywater (31.8S, 69.6W)

The Hobbit at The Green DragonExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) requires you fetch a special barrel used by Dwarves for maturing brandy. Thankfully you don’t need to hoof it (literally) to Ered Luin! There is a contact in Overhill who can help out.

If you haven’t done the Hobbiton to Overhill Quick Post route yet, be efficient and kill two Crabbain with one stone.

Where is the Dwarf-Barrel?

Once at Overhill you’ll need to head further North to Bindbole Wood. This is one of the prime places to progress the Spider Slayer Deed, by the way. At the entrance to the spider’s webs is the gleaming Dwarf Barrel. Pick it up and head back to The Green Dragon!

Note: if you haven’t done the Overhill to Bywater Quick Post route, you may as well do that now as you have to go back to Bywater anyway.

3. The Floating Log Inn

Frogmorton (31.7S, 68.1W)

Hope you’re ready for a Pun-tastic quest? The Floating Log make their best brews from, wait for it, “Frog Hops”. And as the queue at the Floating Log is so immense, you can get a free jug of his best for going and collecting some frog hops from the marshes behind the Inn.

4. The Golden Perch

Stock: (32.0S, 63.8W)

So you’ve trekked across the Shire and finally arrive at The Golden Perch in Stock. No one said becoming a Shire Brew-master was going to be quick!

Also wanting to win the Brewing Contest, the Bartender here needs his yeast retrieving. It’s been taken by some Brigands in Green Hill Country. That also means if you still need the Brigand Slayer Deed, you can whack a few in this area while retrieving beer-making supplies!

5. The Plough and Stars

Brokenborings (27.6S,68.1W)

Shire Brew-master Deed Rewards

Completing this LOTRO Deed grants:

  • LOTRO Points 5 LOTRO Points
  • Title Title: Shire Brewmaster
  • Marks 30 Marks
  • Reputation +700 Reputation with the Mathom Society

To be confusing the deed has a hyphen between “brew” and “master”, but the title does not!

TL;DR Completing the LOTRO Shire Brew-master Deed

This deed is fairly quick to complete if you focus on it and don’t get distracted. Each Inn has a story behind why they can’t produce their best ale. And you get a free beer each time as well! You will need to complete the LOTRO Shire Brew-master Deed in order to fully complete Deeds of the Shire. So go ahead and enjoy your Middle-Earth pub crawl!

About the Author

Fibro Jedi
Fibro Jedi

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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