Wild Dodo Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 1

FFXIV Wild Dodo | FF14 Hunting Log Rank 1 Target

I was about to start this entry on the Wild Dodo with a sarcastic comment about all Dodos being wild. Then I remembered having seen players with the mountExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)!

Where are Wild Dodos?

You can find them in the Cedarwood area of Lower La Noscea. If you leave Limsa via the Tempest Gate and head North-East, you'll see them once you pass The Eyes. They're just up the road from the Aurelia, actually.

FFXIV Fate Involved in FATEs

Wild Dodo Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:27.5, Y:21.5
  • Region/Area:
    Lower La Noscea: Cedarwood
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Limsa Lominsa

How Many Wild Dodos for Hunting Logs?

These birds appear in both the Marauder and Rogue Hunting Logs. Although they're at different difficulty levels, you need three.

Alternative Location

There are some more Wild Dodos in Western La Noscea, but they are at a higher level. If you levelled your Marauder or Rogue but ignored the Hunting Log, then you can find some over the road near Swiftperch, I believe.

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