Tiny Mandragora Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 1

FFXIV Tiny Mandragora | FF14 Hunting Log Rank 1 Target

If you struggle to eat your vegetables normally, you'll find it even harder after defeating a Tiny Mandragora. These are animated veggies. They don't speak our language, although the original Mandaville Storyline shows that they understand it. Anyhow, your job is to cut and slice a few up for your Hunting Log. Maybe steer clear of adding them to your dinnertime preparation though!

Where are Tiny Mandragoras?

A good hunting ground is on the North-West corner of the Red Rooster SteadExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) in Lower La Noscea. This is just a bit further into Cedarwood after a bunch of Wild Dodos.

There are also loads near the windmills around X:33.8, Y:17.2.

Tiny Mandragora Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:31.0, Y:18.3
  • Region/Area:
    Lower La Noscea: Cedarwood
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Limsa Lominsa (Tempest Gate)

FFXIV Fate Involved in FATE

Involved in the MSQ

These Seedkin also turn up in the early Main Scenario Quest MSQ. So if your character started out in Limsa, you may not need to search for them separately.

How Many Mandragoras for Hunting Logs?

This enemy is relevant for Marauders and Rogues. Both require three.

Nearby Hunting Log Targets

Wild Dodo

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Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

Looking for More Hunting Log Entries?

You can use the search box for specific enemies, or the full log guides I have currently completed can be found here: FFXIV Hunting Log Guides.

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