Stroper Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 3

FFXIV Stroper - Hunting Log Rank 3 Target

And welcome to my most detested enemy-type in FFXIV, the Stroper, part of the lucious hated Morbol family. These revolting, giant, anything-eater plants are plentiful.

Stroper Location

They're found in the Central Shroud at Hopeseed Pond where, ironically, you will find precisely zero hope. There are also Stropers in the South Shroud (Lower Paths), where they are a few levels higher.

Involved in FATE

Stroper Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X12.8, Y21.4
  • Region/Area:
    Central Shroud: Sorrel Haven
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Central Shroud: Bentbranch Meadows

How Many Stropers for Hunting Logs?

Alternative Aetheryte

Although I've mentioned Bentbranch being the nearest one, it is quicker to get to Sorrel Haven from Gridania. Simply select the White Wolf Gate instead of the other two. As there's a chance you have Gridania port for free or reduced rates, it may be cheaper to go that way too.


Be careful around Hopeseed if you're within a few levels of the Stropers. That's because, nearby, are the Heliostropers which are much harder to take down - and much bigger. They are part of an unrelated quest and will not count towards your Hunting Log.

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