Quiveron Attendant Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Quiveron Attendant - Hunting Log Rank 2 Target

This is your first humanoid target for your Hunting Log. The Quiveron Attendant is an Archer-class Lalafell, found at the ingeniously-named Quiveron Manse in Central Thanalan. They're part of a gang causing trouble for the locals - and if memory serves me right, this is especially true for the Ala Mhigan refugees in the area.

There's nothing quite like direct justice, so go kill a couple of them. Because nothing shows how much you value life than taking it, eh? I mean, erm, burn them down so the Light may burn brigher, or something? Sorry, I'm rubbish at sales pitches!

Quiveron Attendant Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:23.6, Y:20.6
  • Region/Area:
    Central Thanalan: Quiveron Manse
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Black Brush Station

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