Kobold Priest Location in FFXIV
Grand Company Hunting Log

FFXIV Kobold Priest - Grand Company Hunting Log Target

You only require one Kobold Priest, but being the generous soul that I am, I found two for you. As with the Kobold Bedesman, they're in the Iron LakeExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) area of Outer La Noscea.

The Priests seem to have darker armour than the other Kobolds too. But they don't have any fancy headwear that makes them stand out.

Find the Priest

The two spots I found were:

  • X:22.3, Y:13.6
  • X:23.4, Y:12.1

There is, apparently, a third, but I do all the legwork myself for these tools. These were the ones I found.

Take out your target just in case the tiny rat man drags you before Titan. If you're a Roegadyn, it would be hilarious to see him try!

Reward: Storm Seals 653

Relevant Grand Company Logs

Kobold Priest Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:22.3, Y:13.6
  • Region/Area:
    Outer La Noscea: Iron Lake
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Outer La Noscea: Camp Overlook

Other Quest Involvement?

Unlike other FFXIV Hunting Log targets, the Kobold Priest isn't involved in FATEs. They're probably too busy being religious for random melée fighting.

However, they do crop up in a couple of relic quests in A Realm Reborn (Stardust Rod and Thyrus). See ConsoleGamesWikiExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) for more information.

Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

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