Killer Mantis Location in FFXIV
Hunting Log Rank 2

FFXIV Killer Mantis - Hunting Log Rank 2 Target

The Killer Mantis - to distinguish it from the other Mantises (or mantesExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab), apparently) that do not kill things!

Killer Mantis Location

Okay, back to the real reason you're here. You can find them on both paths leading to the two Tidegates of Western La Noscea. If you clear the Rothlyt Pelicans, then these enemies are not much further West.

You will usually find more on the path towards the South Tidegate. But if another player is clearing a load, just head North and hunt in peace (hopefully).

FFXIV Fate Involved in FATEs

The coordinates below are for the largest cluster.

Killer Mantis Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:21.5, Y:23
  • Region/Area:
    Western La Noscea: Skull Valley
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Western La Noscea: Aleport

I have to say, though, having gotten up close to one, they're actually beautifully designed. Just ignore the fact that, in our world, praying mantises eat their mates.

How Many Mantises for Hunting Logs?

  • Arcanist: 3
  • Marauder: 4
  • Rogue: 2

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