Ixali Boldwing Location in FFXIV
Grand Company Hunting Log

FFXIV Ixali Boldwing - Grand Company Hunting Log Target (Ixali Bloodwing does not exist AFAIK)

Common Misspellings/Typos

Ixali Bloodwing

In the North Shroud there are the not-so-subtly-named Ixali Logging Grounds. Depending on when you arrive, you may find a cocky-looking Ixali Boldwing guarding the way in. I chose him for my screenshot! I have to make my FFXIV Hunting Logs look alright, don't I?

Periodically people search for Ixali Bloodwing. However, as much as I look, I'm fairly sure there isn't one. Check whether, instead of Ixali Bloodwing, you mean Boldwing or Ixali Boundwing.

Where are the Ixali Boldwings?

Although some are in the Logging grounds, you can also encounter some in the far North of Proudcreek.

As you can see from my maplet, there are plenty to be had. They also appear in the very low-level FATE FFXIV Fate No Birds AllowedExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab).

Additional Coordinates

  • X:21, Y:20.5
  • X:19.3, Y:20

Involved in FATE

The Big IssueExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab)


774 Storm Seals

Relevant Grand Company Logs

Ixali Boldwing Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:21, Y:18.5
  • Region/Area:
    North Shroud: Proud Creek
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    North Shroud: Fallgourd Float

Additional Location

ConsoleGamesWikiExternal Link (Opens in New Window/Tab) says that you can find some in Coerthas Central Highlands (X:32.0, Y:27.9).

Relevant Hunting Log

The Ixali Boldwing is one of the enemies needed to complete the Maelstrom Grand Company Hunting Log. You can find it in Rank 3.

Other Hunting Log Targets in the Area

Looking for More Hunting Log Entries?

You can use the search box for specific enemies, or the full log guides I have currently completed can be found here: FFXIV Hunting Log Guides.

All my FFXIV Hunting Log Posts will always be freely available. But if you would please consider buying my family a virtual coffee that would be great. Either way, thank you for visiting, I appreciate it!
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