Gigas Bhikkhu Location in FFXIV
Hunting Rank 5 Target

FFXIV Gigas Bhikkhu - Mor Dhona - Northern Silvertear near the Crystal Tower entrance

What are these things? Based on other associated mobs and those that turn up in Levequests, they're a sort of tribal giantkind folk. The Gigas Bhikkhu are your opposite numbers, they are Gladiators, huge strong ones at that.

I am aware of the typo in the minimap. I'll fix it soonish. Thanks.

Gigas Bhikkhu Location

The Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 5 page is unhelpful here. While yes, Northern Silvertear is correct, the Gigas Bikkhu occupy the tunnel leading to the Crystal Tower's entrance. Two of them are found together at the passage's end. Fair warning.

Nearby Gladiator Rank 5 Targets

Gigas Bhikkhu Location Map

Location Info

  • Approximate Coordinates:
    X:35.4, Y:15.8
  • Region/Area:
    Mor Dhona: Northern Silvertear (Near the Crystal Tower Entrance)
  • Nearest Aetheryte:
    Mor Dhona: Revenant's Toll

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