The first time I ever came across the term Dryad was in relation to Narnia, with some of those looking like living, moving trees. So, here in FFXIV in the North Shroud this type of autumnal Treant is aptly named.
There are a fair few of the walking trees towards the narrow, natural passage of Proud Creek as well as a couple in it. Just be careful if you run Smells Like Tree Spirit. While the FATE target isn't too challenging, the Dryads around it get involved thanks to Level Sync.
Dryad Location Map
Location Info
- Approximate Coordinates:
X:23.0, Y:24.8 - Region/Area:
North Shroud: Proud Creek - Nearest Aetheryte:
North Shroud: Fallgourd Float
Featured In the Following Hunting Logs
- Arcanist Hunting Log Rank 4 → 2 required.
- Conjurer Hunting Log Rank 4 → 4 required.
- Lancer Hunting Log Rank 4 → 4 required.
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